October 31, 2008 I created my blog and wrote my first post. I was so obsessed that weekend, I wrote 5 posts and barely slept, one of them, The Best Trim Colours: NOT Cloud White, is still one of my top 10 most read posts.
If you have read my blog for a long time, you’ll notice that I always say ‘we’ and ‘us’ but you have never seen a picture of who I’m with. And if you’re a regular reader, you will have already figured it out.
That I am in a relationship with a woman.
Terreeia and I met in 1998 when I participated in a six month leadership training program through Landmark Education. She was the head coach.
I was married 15 years ago for one year. My ex-husband and I had no idea how to communicate so that’s why it didn’t last. My relationships with men before and after my marriage were not spectacular enough to write about.
I am not an easy person to be with. I participated in Landmark Courses for 10 years because I have a tortured head. I analyze everything down to the minutia and I process my upsets out loud. For this reason, I don’t hold a grudge, forgive easily and almost instantly. But I certainly have a temper. One of the reasons why I was committed to doing so many courses to learn how to communicate better was because I would say what was in my head out loud and unfiltered, and then I’d have a mess to clean up.
The men I attracted in relationships seemed to mostly fall into two extremes. The ones I could dominate so then I’d get turned off and bored really fast, or the powerful ones that wanted to dominate me. And the latter is the worst of the two, I can’t stand to be dominated. What’s great about being with a powerful woman is that it goes back and forth. Sometimes I call the shots and sometimes she does (and I’m not talking about sex).
I am not a lesbian, but I’m pretty sure I have the politics of one. And it took me 10 years of back and forth, breaking up and getting back together with Terreeia to finally realize that she is my soul mate in the world regardless of gender. We were married this past April on Earth Day.
She is the editor of the posts I’m afraid to hit publish. And lately I’ve been bored with my blog because now that you know everything about me except this, well, how long can I write about just my nephews anyway? This blog would be so much more interesting if I could write about my relationship because I have a lot to say about them.
Terreeia is the reason I haven’t told you. Being a lesbian all her life, she grew up being discriminated for being gay.
While I’m the first person to share my whole life story with someone five minutes after I’ve met them, she is the opposite of that.
She is convinced that it will be the end of this blog if I tell you. ‘But really?’, I ask myself ‘Are most people in the world so small that they can’t accept other people for their differences? Â And there are many overtly gay men who are designers, in fact I’m tired of only ever seeing male couples on the covers of shelter magazines talking about their fabulous homes.
Along with running her executive coaching and consulting business Terreeia helps me run mine.
Her title on emails to our clients is ‘Director of Customer Service and Delight’. That is who Terreeia is in the world. Before she became a consultant, she was in management in the food and beverage industry. She has won all kinds of awards for creating teams. Terreeia is obsessed with service and she is the most brilliant communicator I have ever met.
Where I’m always asking Why? Because I’m fascinated to learn what makes people tick, Terreeia always has the because. Because she actually understands on a deep level what makes people tick.
She is this amazing, gourmet cook. I haven’t been in a grocery store in years (seriously).
So I’m telling you this today because I’m not someone who hides who I am in general.
When you meet me after reading this blog and getting to know me here, I’m the same person. Â Many of you already feel like we are friends from reading my blog and it’s just not authentic that you don’t know this about me too. And the world is different now then it was 20 years ago, (I sure hope so).
Me and the love of my life (on vacation last year)
This post has been written for months. I wrote it one day when we were having an argument. She left because that’s how she processes stuff (I want to talk and yell a little if necessary) a little while later I called her and said “I’m about to hit publish on this post”, and she immediately rushed home to talk me out of it. I know, sneaky right?
I heard once that we can only marry someone who is either your mom, your dad, or not your mom or not your dad. Well Terreeia is like my mom who never gossips, and always takes the high road – well she takes it to the extreme, I can only strive to be like that. Â And I think your partner should make you want to be a better person.
I love you sweet Terreeia. Thanks for letting me publish this post today.
Congratulations on your bravery and all that is worth celebrating in your life. This post is a jaw dropper; I first thought, “Oh, Maria’s written one of those ‘Copyblogger” headlines.” But no, this was genuine, and we all love you for that. Best wishes to you both.
Yes, Barbara I was thinking the same thing about the copyblogger headlines! HA…
Thanks Maria for your transparency. With this new information I can only see this enriching your blogging experience AND our reader experience. Wishing you and Terreeia the very best.
I’m a huge fan of your blog and design advice, and knowing you more as a person only helps enrich that experience.
You should always feel empowered to be fully and completely who you are. Life is too short to let anything stand in the way of happiness.
Belated congrats to you and Terreeia!
My response to you: So? Congratulations!
Congratulations on your wedding! Wishing you both much happiness. I applaud your courage, and BTW you look fabulous in that blue!
Nothing like this changes who you are or how I feel about you, I said I would miss talking to you and I do. Your class for a second time was amazing and so helpful. I truly believe who you love and marry is great, to be happy, truly happy is all that matters. Looking forward to future posts about both of your adventures… x
No problem with Pixie, here. Best of luck, keep up the good work, and keep writing! Come to Kelowna to give some colour talks!
You know i always suspected there was no Mr. in your life even tho you always said “we”. Congrats;i just wanted to let you know i still loves ya and hope to hire you someday as my house needs help, it’s still a 1980’s mess. Unfortunately never enuff $ to spend on the project but maybe one day my lottery will come in!
I agree with Mari 100%. Including the house issues and hoping to hire you someday. Jennifer.
Congratulations on your bravery!
What’s not to celebrate about love and truth!
I’ve never commented on your blog before [though I read it daily!] but this just called out for a high five!
As a woman, and a truth-seeker, I support you!
You go girl!
Just like Sabrina, I read all your posts and never comment (oh, btw, I officially blame you for my annoying obsession with yellow/pink undertones!). But I just wanted to share some love. 🙂
It hurts when I read that Terreeia (and so many others) thinks being in a same-sex relationship could lead them to be being rejected. And it hurts me even more to think that in some cases, it does. But I know we are heading in the right direction. And I can feel we are all in this together, whatever our sexual orientation is.
So much love,
Congratulations! Anyone who would negatively judge you based upon who you love would not be a person one would want in ones life anyway. Thanks for sharing!
What is important is that you are happy!! I LOVE your blog and wish you lived nearby so that you can do my house – SA.
Everyone should be able to stand up and say “this is who I am” without fear of discrimination. Well done for doing just that. I long for a world where same-sex relationships are considered so mainstream that they no longer have to be announced, they can just be. If anyone stops reading your blog because of this news, then that is their loss. Hats off to you Maria!
Love, love, love. This honesty… THIS is why I read your blog. Consider me an even more loyal fan.
Good for you for coming out, Maria! It’s a wonderful thing when people find their soulmates. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary!
If anyone is going to judge you negatively for being with whomever you love just because they’re the same gender, then good riddance to bad rubbish. There will always be other clients, colleagues, and even friends who *will* accept you no matter what.
It saddens me that this is still an issue that requires bravery of those involved. It really shouldn’t make any difference who you choose to spend your life with, love is love.
Best of luck to you both!
Thank you for sharing. I just want to echo what Jan V. wrote, which says it all so well, “Congratulations! Anyone who would negatively judge you based upon who you love would not be a person one would want in ones life anyway. Thanks for sharing!”
Good for you two!
Maria – well done!! Congratulations on being so honest and celebrating who you are. Keep sharing and being you.
Thanks for sharing your heart, your love and more of who you are. I so appreciate it!
Oh my! 🙂 Congratulation Maria and Terreeia! 🙂
Maria, I could almost feel your relief, when you pushed this “publish” button. I can understand that it was quite hard not writing about this aspect of your life on your blog and in the same time it have must be so hard to make this decision.
Wish you both tons of happiness. 🙂
P.S. It’s probably my very first comment on your blog. 😉
P.P.S. I can totally understand your words about attracting two kinds of men. Similar for me. But I finally decided that for sure I don’t want to have boring life and I don’t want to be the man in relationship (it wasn’t that practical decision, I simply fell in love, haha). I’m married for 7 years to a man who is full of passion and talents, but he is not an easy to deal with. But actually you could say the same about me. 🙂 So with all our ups and downs and permanent work for a compromise, we’re still together, there is still passion and we are never bored. 😉
The picture is testament to your happiness and love.
And love is never wrong!
It takes great strength to show your “vulnerability”, which through life can manifest in so many forms, to others.
Congratulations on your announcement.
Whatever makes you makes you happy, makes me happy! Congratulations to you and Terreeia!
Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy! Congratulations to you and Terreeia!
Maria, anyone who condemns you (or anyone else) for who you love is not worth having in your life. While I did suspect there was no “Mr” in your life, it was no more than a passing thought. But yes, you are right. You should be able to talk about your spouse as I do mine; to celebrate the special moments as well as the everyday ones, with those you interact with. Cheers to you both!
Well good for you! I wish you much happiness!
“And the world is different now then it was 20 years ago” Absolutely! I’m still hiring your services in March or April. 🙂
Count me among those who had already guessed and who wondered if your relationship would be the subject of this post when I saw the title.
Congratulations to the two of you for finding your soul mates and on your marriage!
A lovely, heartfelt post, Maria. I came to know about you and your blog through Terreeia, whom I met through Landmark in TO. I have such a high regard for Terreeia, as she made such a positive and lasting impression on me. Thank you for your incredible work – I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Many blessings to you both! (I vote go vegan!)
Belated congratulations on your wedding and best wishes for a long and joyful life together 🙂
I think people are generally more enlightened now and accepting of differences in just about every way, and I really can’t see that your blog will suffer in any way.
I love the saying of Dr Seuss: People who matter don’t mind, and people who mind don’t matter.
I’m happy that you’re happy, and if someone wants to discriminate – that’s their choice. Frankly, discrimination occurs all the time in our lives – b/c of what we’re wearing, who we’re with, whether we have kids or not, the colour of our hair or skin, our gender… it can’t be avoided. But what you can avoid if how you will act. Keep living your truth!! The more authentic you are, then the best you you can be.
Maria, now I love you and admire you even more!!!!!!!
Wow! I’m so proud of you for sharing this with us. I’m so pleased that you have found someone who completes you. I’ve never commented on your blog before but we have had a phone consult- I loved you then for your honesty and I love and admire you even more now 🙂
Good for you! I don’t care if you are gay or green! You are still Maria! Best wishes for a long and happy life together! (I have never posted before but I just had to)
What a brave and beautiful post. I am so glad that you made the decision to press publish.
Really looking forward to hearing more about you and Terreeia on the blog in the future. Congratulations to you both!
I love seeing people in love, and to me that’s all that matters. I look forward to getting to know you even better in the blog posts to come! 😀
I discovered your site in the last year and enjoy your posts, but I’ve never commented before. Congratulations and best wishes to you both!
Great big hugs to you Maria – you two make a beautiful couple!
Kudos to both of you! I so admire your strength and honesty. I’ve read your blog for a long time and now respect you even more. The truth shall set you free!
Maria, congratulations on your marriage, and your honesty! I admit that since I knew you were married to a man before, I did assume that your current partner was a man as well, not that it makes one iota of difference to me! I will still visit your blog every week for your fantastic voice and advice. Terreeia sounds like an amazing partner; you’re lucky to have each other!
Yes, I allready knew you were Gay and with a woman. Did not know she is African American. It seems as if you two love each other well. of course, I will still read your blog. you have good stuff to share. also, I too, wish I could see you and your great home on a Shelter magazine.
Dianne from The South….TN
Didn’t see this coming, and am delighted that you came out to us. I really don’t care who people partner with, I just want everyone to love their lives and create greater possibility in the world.
Thank you for sharing your beloved with us. I look forward to even more dynamic posts from you!
Landmark does indeed, change the world.
Much love to you both.
I love your blog and who you are just makes you special, it doesn’t change your message. I’ve learned so much from reading what you have to say, today is no different. Although stereotypes still exist there is clearly a strong wave of emotion and political change happening to eradicate them. I wish you both the best.
I adore you Maria. I’m so happy for you both. You are amazing, generous, giving, smart and caring!!
I can’t wait to get to know you both better:) thanks for opening up and sharing!! XOXO
I bet you’re sitting by your computer right now waiting to read every new comment on this post as it publishes. I can almost see your face 🙂
Your friends who are intuitive (me) already knew.This will certainly bring in a new dimension to Colour Me Happy … and we welcome it!
Be who you are Maria and the people who judge, just hit the delete button – and that’s not just the delete button on the keyboard.
This is so funny because just the other day I was saying to myself, “Maria’s blog is getting a little long in the tooth. There has to be something else to give it a new life.” I love my little gift. It makes me laugh.
Best to you Maria, Terreeia and I can’t wait to read more!!!!
I am so impressed with you Maria, your are truly an inspiration on so many levels. I have been following your blog for years and today I feel that we connected emotionally. Thank you for sharing, I know it took a lot of courage. Congratulations to you and Terreeia, it sounds like you have a wonderful relationship. Keep up the good work and I am counting on you to keep blogging. Hugs.
Congratulations Maria.
Dear Maria,
the gender of the person you love does not change anything to your knowledge you share on this blog. Being happy is the single most important thing in life and it seems that you are happy. This is what truly and only counts.
To many more years with your soulmate.
Blessings on the two of you and very best wishes on your upcoming anniversary! May you have many more happy years together.
A beautiful post, open, warm and loving. A testament that love comes in many shapes and sizes, and we can be open to receiving it, even when it comes from an unexpected direction. It’s our choice, not what society dictates for us. Thank you!
A brave and beautiful post. Your personal life makes no difference to me and whether I read your blog or not – but I DO love that you were so honest and truthful! So – congrats on the post, the blog, and your success!
Dear Maria, congratulations! I wish you many, many happy years together. I’ve been reading your blog since we met in New York at the first BlogFest several years back. And I will continue to read as long as you have something to say.
You are so right about the shelter magazines, it is more than time that a female gay couple should be featured.
Maria thank you for your courage and congratulations to you and Thereeia. Love is love is love. I would guess many of us knew intuitively, but boldly stating your love is an act of love and courage in itself. Brava! I love your blog, your advice, and your writings about your nephews 🙂 So cute. Never gets tiring. We love you, Maria. God Bless.
sounds like you two balance eachother out and you are happy-great stuff!
I wish you both much love, joy and happiness
Congratulations to the two of you! I hope you will have a long and happy marriage together.
Welcome to our lives Terreeia,
I received an email from Terreeia once and your right she was the most wonderful lady EVER. I told her I hoped you had cloned her.
Health and happiness to you both. And imagine how many wedding gifts you would of received if you’d done this years ago ha ha.
Like others, I’ve never commented before but felt this post deserved a response. Yay for you, yay for Terreeia, yay for you and Terreeia! So glad you two have found love. Nothing else much matters.
Congratulations ! I am sure that this has been a difficult process for you. Honestly though, all that I really care about is that you are a genius at what you do. And you truly are! I am getting ready to hire you again.
Continued blessings to you,
God Bless you both and I wish you all the happiness this life has to offer. You inspire me everyday about color and now you inspire me to live a more honest life. Thank you so much Maria.
Belated congratulations on your marriage!
Much happiness to you and your wife. Everyone should always be able to love who they love!
This post just makes me think even more of you for having the courage to write it! Congratulations to you both. I am sure you feel relieved to have finally published this post.
I love your blog, and will always read it as long as you write it.
Maria, I found your blog only a few months ago and I have enjoyed it so much. Thank you for today’s post. Your honest, refreshing, authentic approach to life comes through in everything you do and say.
Wow! I’m new to the business and new to your blog. I instantly fell in love with your blog (the only one I’ve ever even looked at, really), and knew I wanted to participate in one of your workshops from the start. Every time I read your posts, I feel like I’m communicating with a friend over coffee. I’m having surgery done next week, and have your e-book printed out so I can study while I’m lying in the hospital for 5 days! It’s given me something to look forward to, honest. Now, that you’re “OUT”, I only admire and respect you more. I think there’s nothing more important than being authentic. Best wishes!
I admire you even more after your willingness to open up your life. All the best to both of you!
Bravo…I loved you before, that was because I loved your knowledge and what you were teaching me…now I love you even more because I know where it’s all coming from. Be brave, be strong, be you. 🙂
Congrats!! <3 So happy you shared with us.
Congratulations on finding the love of your life. It sounds like you have a wonderful match (right down to the blue in your holiday photo ;-). I hope this sharing only adds to your joy.
Yippee! Congratulations! Finally! I have been waiting for this day for so long, I am so tickled that you hit “publish”. 🙂 I am so happy to see your bravery in sharing with your readers, whom love you, your wisdom, talent and person for who you are; wonderful.
Happier to know that you now can share with the world this very special amazing woman that has stolen your heart, given you hers, held your hand, supported you for so long and loved you unconditionally.
We love you and we love Terreeia for who she is too…..the love of your life.
Wishing you many many blissful years together.
Looking forward to more interesting blogs… you never fail to disappoint. 🙂
Congratulations Maria! I’m so happy for you and what a relief it must be to finally be who you are (which is a brave, wonderful and super talented woman!)
All I can say it Yay you! And if people don’t understand, well, you don’t want them hanging around your awesome blog. 🙂
Big hugs Lady!!
How wonderful to meet your partner Teerria-(figured it out long time ago :)). She sounds incredibly talented! I am happy for you both, and happy for you Maria that you could finally push the “publish this post” button 🙂
You have a wonderful family!,
Mary in Ohio
Congrats to you both. It is time to recognize we all should have equal rights to love, to marry and to be with those who fulfill us.
Not sure I understand the concept of not being a lesbian but in a relationship with a woman……but either way, you’re brilliant at colour and I couldn’t care less about the rest of it!
Good for you for sharing this!
I think this is the most amount of entries I have seen on your blog…and all positive and it’s still very early in the morning-so if that doesn’t prove to you (both) how OK we all are with your relationship, then what does! We all love you and your amazing talent, glad there’s someone in your life that loves you and supports you!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. You deserve happiness, and it looks live you have found that with Terreeia. I look forward to reading your valuable advice in the future, just as I have for the past 3 years. All the best!
Maria! Good for you for being open about this subject!! All the best to you! You go girl!
HI Maria
So glad you shared this with us your readers and followers. In Afrikaans we have the saying when gay people let the secret out: Hy/sy het uit die kas geklim. (They climbed out of the cupboard.) A Gay pastor wrote a book with the title: ‘n Kas is vir klere.( A cupboard is for clothes.) Because your blog is about cupboards as well I was immediately thinking about this- and the fact is this is who you are and you should be accepted by everyone as such. (And not even feel scared to share) If it should be necessary to keep on hiding it from us it do not say much of us, your readers.
Enjoy your wonderful relationship- it seems as if you were made for each other.
So glad you both found each other 🙂 you both look fab in those matching blue (periwinkle???) tops.
Congratulations Maria and Terreeia. My best wishes from Argentina.
Well knock me down with a feather – good for you both! Wishing you and Terreeia all the happiness in the world from sunny South Africa.
Congratulations on having nearly a year of marriage under your belt. I love that you feel comfortable to come out- and why shouldn’t you? I hate so much that you would think for a second this would change what it means for you to be a colour expert, or to worry that people may not accept you. Makes me so angry.
Wishing you and your wife all the best in your endeavours together! 🙂
Congratulations!! To share one life with someone that you love.. is a joy beyond words.
I’m so happy that you were able to share this happiness with your tribe! I figured this out from context a long time ago. 🙂
The thing I’m most interested in is… What’s Terreeia’s favorite color?? 🙂
Gail from Kansas
Being authentic makes what we do in life (whatever that is) more true and valuable to ourselves and to others. Congratulations on your marriage and on this wonderful post. You make me look at the world in a different and better way with each post and this one is no different. Thank you.
Somehow I always knew, Maria. Regardless of one’s personal opinion (on anything, really), that does not change the basic premise: that you (and everyone else) are a human being worthy of love and respect. I appreciated the phone consult I had with you and have implemented some of your suggestions. When I see your blog in my inbox or a post on facebook, I eagerly read to see what new tidbit I can learn. Nothing changes for me!
After we talked recently, I was hoping you were going to be posting this blog. Something I truly believe in and have tried to live and pass on to my children is “Be Original , Be Yourself”. Thank you for sharing and for having the courage to do so. Congratulations to you both!
Thanks for sharing! Glad that y’all have one another. It’s a special thing to find one’s soulmate!
A late but hearty congratulations on the wedding! I never comment on blogs, but I love your blog and I always look forward to your news posts and will continue to. Thanks for letting us into your life. You are a beautiful couple (love it how the color of your tops match!)
More love in the world. Thankyou
CONGRATS on the upcoming anniversary and best wishes in your lifetime together. Well done on hitting “publish.” Have to ask – did you plan the cute matching blue outfits!? 🙂
I read your post twice this morning because it so caught me by surprise! Having followed your blog, and having met you, I did not see this coming! Does it change how I see you, feel about you? Yes, it actually does. I find your strength, courage and honesty quite inspirational. Maria, I admire you more today than I did yesterday, and I had plenty of admiration for you yesterday! Thanks for being so authentic, it is so refreshing! Congratulations to you and Terreeia, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.
I read it three times as I also didn’t see this coming! As a faithful reader for the last two years, congrats to you both!
Congratulations! I never “figured it out”, just assumed your partner was a very private individual, and never gave it another moment’s thought. So this was a surprise to me. I’m delighted to see how happy you are! And I’ll be even more delighted to see the two of you in a shelter magazine!
You are very courageous for this….Anyone who has found lasting love in any way, shape or form is a lucky person indeed. Thank you for sharing and may your days be filled with the happy colours you love.
I knew it. 🙂
And yes, we all love you just the same.
Congratulations on your marriage! We are so fortunate to live in a time when people have the freedom to be true to themselves and others. I commend your bravery. You must feel very relieved
And empowered. You are so talented and we all get to benefit from your knowledge. Thanks for sharing yourself.
For me it makes no difference …… I have nothing more to say on that. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for confirming what I had sensed. . . you have my vote for your happiness and I still want to take the color course. You rock.
I love reading you blog. I loved going to your seminar in Atlanta a few years ago. I figured it out a long time ago. I didn’t get to speak to Terreeia to much during our seminar but she seemed lovely. Anyway, it didn’t matter then and it doesn’t matter now. I am happy for the two of you and I will continue to enjoy your blog and all the information and expertise you bring to it! Everyone deserves to have love and acceptance. You are brave and beautiful!
Good for you for stepping into your truth, Maria! Your bravery will undoubtedly inspire others to own who they are as well.
Happiness and continued success to you both.
This morning, when I read your plog. Tears were wetting my face.And then,when I read all the comments from your plog readers my face got even more wet from tears. They were mothers love tears. You are beautiful loving generous miraculous daughter of mine. And I love you forever and Your beautiful Terreeia. Thank you Maria for being honest. You are truly a gift for the world.
Tears are streaming down my face too! I’m so happy for you Maria!
Congratulations to you and Terreeria on your marriage and on your bravery to just be yourselves.
The wonderful ripple-effect from your courage affects the world in a beautiful way. YAY!!!!
ooops…I spelled Terreeia’s name with one too many r’s! My apologies:)
Wow! Thank-you (Maria’s mom) for such lovely and true words. Today you have been everyone’s mom by speaking so eloquently from the heart…how lucky Maria is to have such beautiful love and support. What a breath of fresh air! It is easy to see where Maria gets her strength of character. Now I have tears too…
Maria, you are the difference between ordinary and extraordinary….continue to celebrate the journey with your lovely wife Terreeia. I very much welcome getting to know her on your blog. A new chapter..
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy – they are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom”. Marcel Proust
Tears are pouring down my face reading your words to your daughter.
I love that you are such an honest up-front kind of person. Congratulations on finding the love of your life – not everyone has that wonderful opportunity.
Congratulations Maria and thank you for sharing this big part of your life.
I can’t believe that in this day and age, anyone would stop reading your fab blog because of your relationship. Your talent speaks for itself, and your ability to share is part of the charm of your blog. Thanks for sharing “the rest of the story”, and I’m excited as always to read your next post.
How lovely Maria, that you feel comfortable enough with your readers & your relationship to share it with us. Better yet were the warm blessings & thoughts expressed by so many of your readers. There’s still hope in this world for happiness without judgement. Now get back to work! P.s. have you started on that outside yard yet?
Congratulations on your marriage Maria and thank you for introducing us to Terreeria!
I’ve been reading your blog for several years now, will continue, but I have never posted.
I never thought about your personal life one way or another, but I’m really happy that you shared with us because this honesty (for you–not us) will propel you forward.
I’m happy that you’re happy. We need a lot more of that in the world.
Congratulations on your marriage!
I hope I live long enough that someday people will just say “So what?”
Now, will we be seeing more pictures of the 2 of you? You look so happy. I want to see your wedding pics.
I hope I live long enough that there will be no need for a proclamation because any love shared between two people will be considered the norm.
Of course for some of us it already is.
Congratulations on your marriage Maria and Terreeia!
Are we going to see a wedding photo, that would be a sigh moment!
Doesn’t matter, won’t matter, shouldn’t matter! Congratulations on being happy and finding “the one” !
BLESSINGS AND HAPPINESS TO BOTH OF YOU!!! Please don’t worry about anyone thinking anything negative. Love is love, no matter what. I will continue to be a huge fan of Color Me Happy and you Maria!
Dear Maria,
I have been a Bible believing Christian for the past 15 years of my life. The most important thing in my life above my husband , children and love for color/design is the relationship I have with Jesus. And never, never in my daily conversations with Him has He ever prompted me to withold kindness, love or charity. In fact, quite the opposite does He continually call me to love, give, be merciful and extend grace. God is the author of such things and I’m sorry that many others who claim to “know or follow” Christ, refuse to demonstrate His love.
Maria, I believe God gave you a talent when He created you and I’m so glad you share that talent with us. Would love to attend your workshop someday and thank you personally.
Stacy has a way with words that I do not but I do second what she said. Christ has never taught us not to be loving. You are very talented and I look forward to more of your knowledge and excellent talent.
I remain, ” your groupie”
CONGRATULATIONS! Happy for you both.
I have been told I’m a gay man in a woman’s body.
A great compliment.
I am graced with incredible friends, including gay & lesbian. My life is rich.
Wish you had shared earlier. No feelings of hiding your joy. Glad that blip of time is over.
I am so glad you are brave enough to “hit publish”. I only sort of wondered why you never showed a photo of your parnter, but not really, because you are so talented that I was focused on your beautiful interiors.( just guessed you were keeing that private, which I understood ) Your style is fabulous and your blog is one I look forward to every day. So, tell Terreela, not so, not the end…! Your blog brings great joy. Please never stop writing!
Awesome post, Maria! I feel blessed to have met you in real life last month. You’re doing great and have met someone who you love being with. I think that’s wonderful. I may not be your BFF, but I can be a BF (Big Fan).
With warm, peace and happiness,
Your blog is one of my very favorites Maria. I am so fascinated with color and I learn something new from you with every post. Still not sure I can pick the perfect paint color, but I’m getting there. I can’t say that this post surprised me. You’ve given us plenty of hints. You can share your personal life on your blog or not, whatever feels right for you. I’m just really glad to hear that you have someone in your life who makes you happy! And keep the color advice coming, I still need it!
Hooray for you! And for all of us…. when do we get to see the wedding photos?????
Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! While the world is very different than 20 years ago, I think it is still scary to reveal a very personal side of yourself on the internet. Kudos to you for being brave, and best wishes for many more years of happiness together!
Wow, I didn’t see this coming. Quite a shocker. I look forward to each of your newsletters and posts and will continue to do so. I do have one question. You say in your post that you are not a lesbian. If you are not, then how do you define this relationship. Not that you have to give an account here, but being in a relationship with another woman and declaring that you are not a lesbian is a bit confusing on several fronts.
Authenticity, takes courage and to share who we are is not easy in this world. I am so happy for the abundance of love in your life Maria. My best to you & Terreeia.
I am so relieved! I thought you were going to tell us that you are a republican! Now I have to read why cloud white isn’t the perfect trim color.
I am still laughing at this comment!
That’s Hillarious !!!!
LMAO!!! OMG, you’re hysterical.
Still laughing too, you are too cute!
Haha, funny!
Love your blog! Will continue to love it!
Maria, you did it!! Yay, I’m so glad you did and it’s wonderful to hear about you and Terreeia! I wish you both huge success, love and happiness and I’m sure you coming out in the open will be a good thing for both of you. You’re lucky to have found each other and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters! God Bless you both.
Wish you all the happiness in the world – oh, wait, you already have that! Good advice is good advice, and yours is the best I’ve read.
Well, I didn’t think I could be any more impressed with you than I already was but … I was WRONG!
Thank you for sharing. Knowing so much about you is a delight.
xx and xx for brave Terreeria too!
Hello Maria!
I’ve been following you for 5 years when you first started blogging, and I am shocked! I had to read your post twice. Not that it matters, and I am happy for you because I think you’re a very nice person, and I’ve always enjoed your blogs. Shocked, maybe, that I never suspected as you were always so businesslike. But I commend you for the courage to be honest and connect with your readers on a personal level. Congratulations to you both and may you have a lifetime of happiness!
I been an avid reader for a few years now and I have to say there has been a time in the last year or more that I felt concern for you – -worried for some reason?? Is that funny??? Suspected you’ve been holding back – – along with moving into a new home with a major remodel going on. So now we all know – -you’ve been a very busy girl!! So now let loose on all your fans and no more holding back!! Wish you all the happiness of a color me happy world!
xxxoooxxx – Happy Reader Becky
Though we are seemingly still a long way from there, it is my most sincere desire that we live in a world where none of this would ever matter. You, along with countless other courageous people, have taken us one step closer. Besides, I am sick of all the gay men getting more credit than the amazing women in this industry. Show ’em girls!
I conrgratulate you on the courage it took to share your life with your readers. I think your blog will only soar to the next level from here on because you will be sharing your authentic self.
So very happy for you two very beautiful women! Wishing you all the best!
You and Terreela are fortunate to have found each other. Much happinesss and delight. Keep on blogging, it’s part of who you are. We love that, too.
Hi Maria,
Congratulations on voicing your secret!
I’ll still read your blog.
Wishing you both much success and happiness today and in the future.
Congratulations on your marriage and upcoming anniversary. I can’t say I am surprised as I caught the “pronoun game” a while ago. I did feel the spouse/partner pictures were conspicuously absent, but understood this was your blog and your choice.
It is such a blessing to finally find your soulmate. I can imagine it was hard not shouting it/sharing your joy with the world. Who doesnt want to share their joy? And to not be able to brag about your significant other, for you Mara had to be a strain. I know, I would have struggled.
Im glad you shared this post. While your blog has been far the most educational home blog I read, I always felt I would have liked to know more about the real Maria. Count me in as a blog follower.
Hi Maria! Wow–I’ve been reading your blog for a year and took your class last may/June? in Toronto, but I’ve never sent a response until now (to any blog for that matter!) I am truly so happy for you. Congratulations on your marriage, and being brave enough to share your “secret” with your readers. Your authenticity, generosity, and personal voice are why I have enjoyed your blog so much. So kudos to you for stepping it up a notch! I look forward to reading your blog for many years to come!
I began reading with dread, thinking you were quitting your blog or announcing something dreadful. Thank goodness you were just professing your love! Some day, one will not have to announce the gender of their chosen soul mate. Thank you for opening your heart to us. Love comes in all sorts of packages, but is mostly processed through the mind. Great soul mates often communicate best by being on the same brain wave. How wonderful the two of you found each other and can celebrate your unity and differences in marriage. I’ve been married to the same man for nearly 42 years, and always wondered who that exceptionally patient ‘man’ in your life is. Now I completely understand. Much happiness to you both.
Thank you Maria, I must say I only recently started reading your blogs and really not even sure now how I found you however, I am so HAPPY I did..
I look to your blogs for inspiration, possibly something I am working on that I am stuck trying to figure out, and there it is in detail helping me..And sometimes I read them just because I like you. Your wonderful caring personality shines through in every word.
Congratulations! I am thrilled that you are happy. I am sure this blog was one of the most difficult tasks you have ever done. What a relief it must be for you. Truly, we can see your honesty and committment to your work and the passion you have for all that you do. I can only say that your soul mate Terreeia certainly encourages and supports everything in your life. Those are the qualities we search for in a partner. And finding true love! Kudos to both of you for finding that happiness with each other..
Stay Happy Maria..
I will continue to be one of your biggest fans!
Congratulations. As others have said, you show much courage with your openness. I was particularly struck by your comment that you are not a Lesbian, but have met your soulmate. I think there are many people in the world who would chose a partner were it not for the “baggage” that comes with labeling…from both sides of gender politics.
Bravo. I wish you both well – for a very very long time.
Although this is my first post, I read your blog all the time and I really enjoy it!
I have to tell you that I already knew! You always said “we” but that was it… so I have to say I’m not surprised at all! But very happy for you and your partner. Congratulations to you both! You are really lucky to have found your soul mate!
Hi Maria – I’ve been following your blog for 2-3 years now, so I knew that you were in a relationship with a woman (I’m a super-detail oriented person, so pick up on EVERY little thing, it’s such an annoying trait that I have!) But, it’s WONDERFUL to learn more about your wife! It always felt like I connected 95% to you because you never came out and mentioned anything directly related to her. Not that you’re obligated to share all sorts of personal stuff and all. You’ve got a designer’s color blog. BUT, since you didn’t reference her at all, it always felt like you were holding something back. Especially since I knew she was there. So, now I’m thrilled to know more about YOU, and feel satisfied with a 100% connection. : )
It takes a lot of courage to share personal details on a blog, I can only imagine the turmoil you must have experienced. Thank you for sharing your life & congratulations to you & Terreela.
Maria, I think I’ve read every one of your posts (or close to it), and I remember the post from a couple of years back when you mentioned you had met the live of your life, who is your best friend. I remember feeling the sense of… Well, *happiness* you began to convey in all your posts. And I remember wondering if you were ever going to tell us about her. Congratulations and thanks for opening up about the dearest and most important part of your life. And thanks to Terreeia for agreeing to hit “publish”.
Your readers are still here, Maria! We love you for your personality, expertise, and your passion for color (and for helping all of us get it right). And nothing about that has changed.
Best of everything to you both, and looking for more great things to come from Colour Me Happy!
I hope we hear more about you both and your adventures!
+1 !!
I didn’t know you two had gotten married! Congratulations!! I think, if anything, you will be even MORE successful for your 100% authenticity.
What a lovely picture of a happy couple! It’s nice to see your family!
Congratulations to you both. I love your blog so please never stop.
Oh Happy Day! Maria, what a wonderful, warm, honest, generous post. I’ve read so many of the comments before mine and I’m overjoyed that so many of your followers have written such positive, accepting replies. Congratulations on your Marriage. I’m sending love to you both for a lifetime of love, health and happiness. You are very special to me.
..and the world keeps turning…. and I bet you both have let out a giant sigh of relief. And everything will continue to get better for you and all those around you. Congratulations
It must be a relief to be open about it all now. It certainly doesn’t change anything for me, an avid reader of your blog for a long time. I had figured it out quite a while ago. No one blinks at all the stories in shelter magazines and books about two men together, so why would this matter? For a long time I never mentioned that my husband is 17 years younger than I, but when I did, quite a few people wrote to me that they have a similar age difference. We have been married 22 years! I will continue
In this day and age, I can’t believe that anyone would ever judge you for being happy regardless of the gender of your partner. Congratulations on your marriage, and may your lives be filled with the happiness that you so deserve. Keep up the wonderful work!
I have read every post of yours since I started following your blog about 2 years ago. I will say I assumed when you said “partner” in your posts you meant a man; I just assumed he was very private and didn’t want to be brought into blog-land. I am so happy for both you and Terreeia! I wish you both every happiness; sounds like you have a perfect fit in one another. I look forward to all your brilliant posts to come, and thanks so much for all you do here.
Congratulations for your courage and thank you for trusting us (your readers) to react with kindness and respect as you reveal your authentic self. We probably also need to thank Terreeia for agreeing to be revealed in such a public forum.
Well, I hope you know, now, that this is announcement is not the end of your blog. You go girls!!
I’m another one who thought that you were probably with a woman, so actually knowing doesn’t make a difference. Although I have beliefs, I like people and have friends based on who they are, not on their sexual preferences.
The thing that really got my attention was your saying that you might go vegan. It may be very fashionable, but it’s not really a healthy diet because it is so difficult to get sufficient protein. You have to really think about protein and count grams and know the kinds of foods that contain the various essential amino acids (the ones your body cannot produce) so that you get a sufficient amount of all of them every day. The other problem with a vegan diet is that it contains no source of vitamin B12, which is another essential nutrient. You have to supplement. In my simple way of thinking, if our bodies require a nutrient that can only be obtained from animal products, then we should eat animal products. We just need to be responsible about it–grass fed and organic being the best.
Now–I hope–back to color!!
Actually, it’s easy to get enough protein from a vegan dieta (yes you do need to supplement B12). Dr. John MacDougall’s and the Happy Herbivore’s websites are great information sources for learning more about going vegan.
Congratulations, on your marriage Maria and Terreeia! Like many others, I have long assumed you were together and felt badly that felt you couldn’t tell us. Be who you are and love who you love. I’m delighted for you that you don’t feel you have to hide such an important part of your life anymore.
Best wishes on your marriage. So happy for you both! I know from my friends who are gay that your life is only going to get richer and happier after this post. Wishing you all good things…
This is the beginning of something even bigger for you; complete happiness and peace.
I plan to continue reading your posts, your honest has only changed one thing for me; huge amounts of respect for you although I already felt this for you, but now in a very different way.
Have a WONDERFUL day!
I’ve never commented on your blog before but this post has moved me. Love yourself, the people around you and be happy. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself!
PS. Your mom’s comment is so beautiful that it made me weep. You are lucky to be so loved.
Thank you for sharing with us and congratulations!
I am hoping this month that the US Supreme Court does the right thing on CA Proposition 8…
Congratulations to you both! Maria, I’ve been a reader of your blog for many months and you are an inspiration on many levels. How wonderful to live authentically and love unapologetically.. So happy for you!
I hope I live to see the day that a story like this is not a story. It’s sad to me that this is something you felt you could not share, especially if it was something you DID want to share.
I’m happy for your happiness.
Now carry on with some colour talk. 🙂
Thank you for sharing with such honesty and passion for healthy, truthful living! And you both look amazing in that gorgeous blue! XOXOXO
I always think about the courage it must take to share this. You are still the same Maria I have come to know and admire. This is one part of many that make you who you are. Sounds like to me you are truly HAPPY!
Isn’t it wonderful to have thousands of girlfriends to share your happiness with? Congratulations.
No surprise. I read the subcontext as did many others. It makes no difference whatsoever to me. Congratulations on your marriage and the freedom that comes with telling the truth. How sad that it had to be a big announcement, that anyone would think differently about your skills either way. I love your blog and I’m sure if we met, I’d love you and Terreeia, too.
I couldn’t say it better, so I’ll just second Pam’s comment. 🙂
Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter. It is so inspirational when someone speaks their truth. Thank you for sharing your story!
Congratulations on your marriage (and almost happy anniversary!) and on finding a fulfilling, supportive and happy relationship! And thanks for sharing this part of your life with us.
Living a life of truth is always best. Blessings to you and your love.
I feel better knowing that letting this all out thru your post must make you feel better. How difficult it must have been for you to not say anything about this very important relationship before. I can’t wait to see how you’re posts improve (not that they’re not already fabulous!) because you no longer have to keep this part of your life a secret.
Congratulations Maria and Terreeia and best wishes for a long and happy life together!
Congrats on being open and, I’m sure, being able to breathe a sigh of relief! The mental gymnastics required to keep certain things private must be exhausting. I loved meeting you in class in February, and have learned SOOO much… I’ve been to many classes, in all areas of painting and design, but yours was by far the most informative and career-enhancing, and I’m honored to have been a part of it. Glad you’ve found a “balanced” relationship, that is so key in life. Here’s to a wonderful 2013 for both of you!! 😀
The end of the blog! Oh no, what a horrible thought!!! So thrilled that you published this post and shared your happiness with your devoted readers. I want to see you both on the cover of a magazine showcasing your amazing work!!!
Hi Maria,
How you live privately doesn’t in any way take away from your talented gift for communicating what you have learned and generously share with us. I am very grateful for you, especially when I use your large color samples and impress clients with the perfect color selections!
While I am a traditionalist when it comes to marriage, I can certainly understand the bond that two women can have that no man can fill! (I’ve been married 30+ years). But no judgment here; I’m happy that you are happy. Best wishes.
Awesome. Just awesome! Congratulations on your marriage to the love of your life. I’ve received an occassional email from Terreeia and she is without a doubt a huge asset to every aspect of your life and work.
I already knew before I hired you. Really didn’t give it a second’s thought. It’s your personal life, I just needed your colour expertise! My husband thinks the world of you too and we were just discussing you this weekend as his office is expanding and needs some new colours! We’ll be in touch soon.
Congratulations and you have all of our support.
Oh Maria, you do not need to worry! If any small minded person did not hire you because of this, well you would not have wanted to work with them in the first place would you have?
Welcome Terreeia : )
Onward and upward!!
Wow – what wonderful news. Just figured I was about to learn more about white that I did not already know!! Congratulations to both of you on this big step. I hope it brings you peace.
So what does this have to do with anything? Thanks for sharing, but one’s sexuality, choice of partners, etc, is theirs. Has nothing to do with me, and does not change my opinion of anything or anyone. And, when it gets to the point that this is non-news, we will all be much happier. I am glad you found someone to love and who loves you.
Yay Maria! Congrats girl 🙂 I am glad to read this post and happy for you and all of your successes!
Wow…. I admire and am inspired by your willingness — and Terreeia’s — to be revealed to us. I’m an admirer of you professionally, your superlative methods of color selection and, now, truly impressed by the level of personal integrity that you bring to your readers. Thanks for being a great example.
maria… I am one of those kinds of people that for whatever reason…the people I met “first” are extra special to me.You were one of my First blog loves, one of the ones I read nearly daily this bit on truth only makes me love you more…congrats and I am so happy for you.
Congratulations on your marriage, your courage and that you love us enough to share your happiness with us. I’ve been to Landmark as well, and I can tell you it is a life-changing event. You come away with a true understanding of yourself and the world and see that being you – whoever you are – is so much more that you ever knew. xoxo
I am happy for you…glad you don’t have to hide anything anymore. Just be yourself, keep sharing your discoveries about color and design, that’s why we love your blog!
Congratulations to both of you! I have a sibling who is also gay and am well aware of the prejudice that some people have. Just remember that it is their problem, not yours and you should never, ever let that interfere with your happiness. I wish you both all the best!
Congratulations, I am so happy for you and Terreeria, being true and incredibly brave. So proud to know you, and the only thing that matters is your happiness and your inner peace.
I thought you were going to come out and tell us that you were secretly, madly in love with Pink-Beige. Thank God that wasn’t the case! Can’t imagine how great you must feel this morning after reading all of these wonderful posts from your fans and collegues. Wishing you and Terreeia the best!
I’m with you Lee ….a real shocker would have been if Maria’s secret love was of Pink-Beige! Thank goodness that isn’t the case and it looks like she’ll continue to help guide us away from that horror …
Mazol Tov!
Wow! Congratulations. Thank you for sharing your story.
I think Crystal’s comment says exactly what I’d like to say, so I’ll quote her: “Your readers are still here, Maria! We love you for your personality, expertise, and your passion for color (and for helping all of us get it right). And nothing about that has changed.”
You’re good at what you do and I’ve learned so much from you. I won’t stop reading your blog and I wouldn’t have changed coming to your color workshop had I known then. Glad you finally chose to hit “publish”!
Maria, I just read your mom’s comment, and wanted to add how blessed I think you are. I know so many special people whose families do not embrace who they are. Kudos to your mom and much love to you all!
I believe I got an email from Teerria (sp? I’ll get it right, I promise!) around Christmastime when I was having trouble downloading your e book. She was so nice and helpful. Tell her thank you for me!
Congrats to you both Maria and well done for writing this post – not that it makes a difference in any way to the amazing work you do and your vast knowledge of colour! I hope after today you can relax about it all, anyone who passes judgement is not worth worrying about. Enjoy married life, Terreeia was lovely to speak to at the colour course and seemed very organised. You have a good team with her and Irene!
And now we know who is the person responsible for that smile we see on all your photos.
It does not matter to me who is the rock that’s holding you up just glad you have one.
You are a color genius and this fact doesn’t change that at all! I certainly will keep relying on you to give me the latest and greatest about color! Best to you!
I am now even a bigger fan. No, I am not gay.
I like you even more for this. I love brave people and she seems amazing! Lucky you : )
So glad you were able to publish this post. I sensed the difficulty in skirting the issue in some of your posts. It has to be freeing for you, and from reading the comments, not a problem for your readers. One part of your post resonated with me. I too am tired of gay man showing off their homes in every shelter magazine I pick up when the women couples are, for some reason, never shown. I resent that the discrimination between men and women is still so rampant. I applaud you for choosing to speak out.
Congratulations on your relationship and your bravery! Personally, I don’t care if someone is lesbian, gay, straight, black, white, brown, red, purple, or polka-dotted – as long as they’re kind and have an interesting perspective to share. You certainly fit the criteria on those two counts!