Have you ever lost the bid for the BEST find on Marketplace? Here’s my best tip for making sure it doesn’t get away.
When I saw this outdoor table and chairs on Marketplace for the bargain basement price of $125 my heart stopped.
First of all, I would never have even tried to look for something like this for OUTDOORS because I didn’t realize until I saw it that our magical fairy tree on the property (below) actually needed a dining set underneath it.
So I immediately messaged the seller and asked if I could send an etransfer right away.
If you want something on Marketplace, offer to pay for it immediately
Not only did he agree, but after messaging him back and forth about how I would need to make two trips in my SUV, he offered to drop it off for $25.
And here’s what it looks like sitting underneath our incredible Sunburst Honeylocust tree.
The only glitch was that it didn’t come with the glass top.
I don’t know if you have tried to order glass or mirrors since the pandemic but glass is now very expensive.
Until last week when I had the inspired idea of just sourcing a glass dining table from marketplace in the right size.
After a little scrolling I found this:
When you find something that photos looks pretty perfect, don’t negotiate if you really want it.
This glass was thick, beveled (perfection) and didn’t have a single scratch.
And if it had, that wouldn’t have bothered me anyway since this is basically decor sitting underneath the tree. And best of all, it was the perfect size.
I asked when I could pick it up and told the seller I was only interested in the glass and that was fine with him.
Here’s what it looked like before.
When I had the overgrown Christmas trees removed (this was an old Christmas tree farm) I had our arborist shape the tree, he also removed all the suckers from the bottom since this tree likes to grow them.
And here it is with the glass. So good. Now it just needs a chandelier.
There really couldn’t be a prettier tree in this very spot, I love the fresh green leaves that pop against all the darker green trees behind it. Also it stays this colour until the leaves fall off in the fall.
The other thing that helps if you want to sell something on Marketplace is a little styling and some good photography.
Here’s what the back of the property looked like again when we bought it:
And here’s what it looks like now:
Maison Lounge (currently on sale)
What are your best Marketplace shopping tips?
Remember to always place your marketplace finds on a mood/design board to make sure it will work with everything else in the room. I teach you how to do that in this course! Almost every day I receive a testimonial that goes something like this:
“Excellent. Simple tools that are easy to execute with big impact. I live overseas so everything from clothes to furniture fabric is purchased online, I am building a house importing all materials. This is a lifesaver for helping me avoid problems later.”
For example, I was looking at outdoor umbrellas right now and wondered if I should buy a blue and white striped one. So I placed it on a mood board and immediately knew it would be the wrong colour:
Here’s a glimpse of the doors, and see the entire video on Instagram here.
It’s my sister Elizabeth’s 50th Birthday today (July 3), all 4 of the sisters, their spouses and my Mom are here in Christina Lake to celebrate!
Elizabeth, Lea & my Mom Hellen
Happy Birthday to my sweet sister Elizabeth! 50 never looked better!
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That is simply amazing that you found a glass table the correct size for your outdoor table! Beautiful set and the yard looks so inviting. Just gorgeous!
Absolutely perfect – and great idea to mix and match pieces too!!
Happy birthday to your sweet sister!
How far away from your mom’s house are you now? Can you still have coffee with her every morning? I’ve always thought that was so sweet! Love your tree and the new table and chairs!
Happy 50th Elizabeth! Oh to be 24 years younger again?! xoxo
p.s. My best Marketplace finds ever? Not one, but TWO Lee Industries Eiffel leather chairs and ottomans in Cognac! One chair only currently lists on Lee for +- 4k! I bought both plus ottomans for less than 1k. =)
So smart! I buy vintage art on Craigslist and FBMP just for the frames. New art prints and mats are cheap!
Happy birthday to your sister! It’s wonderful to see how close your family is! I love FB Marketplace. I used it extensively when my son moved to Manhattan and needed to furnish his apartment. Since he was busy with work, I offered to help him find furniture and accessories (from across the country). I set up a shared mood board online and scoured Marketplace in NYC daily. I found so many awesome pieces (including a perfect yellow Louis XV-style bergère chair, dining set, lamps, artwork, etc). Using the mood board, we put together a beautiful, colorful space at a reasonable cost. He’s really happy with it!
Hi, Maria …It all looks so beautiful!! You too ! What a great find!!!! Love it all!!! 😁
A very happy 50th birthday to your dear sister Elizabeth! Many happy returns…;-)
My favourite find on Marketplace was an early ’60’s Majestic “Atomic” floor lamp in cream and black with the hand laced asymmetrical shade. It’s a piece of art and a mid-century classic. I’ve seen similar ones online for 1-2K on expensive antique sites. Mine was $20!
Thanks for sharing your amazing finds Maria. The yellow set had your name on it!
What priceless memories, Maria! Elizabeth had to feel so special for her 50th. Your property looks beautiful and tranquil and don’t you just love when bargains that seem meant for and are perfect for you show up? Happy summer, Maria and Tee and may you have many more years of memories and love to share with your families!
Hi Maria,
Could you please share the place your picture of the lady on the beach in your pool house was purchased? I just returned kind of a similar one to Kirkland’s that my husband said was ugly. I like yours much better and hope I can find it.
That set is perfect in your garden!
Serious Question: How does one keep the skinny legs from sinking into the soil?
Her set appears to be set on pavers. It’s hard to spot them in the photo before the tree cleanup, but you can see pavers in the after photo.
That makes sense, thank you!