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Decorating My Home

Help Me Choose a Custom L-Shaped Sofa

By 03/20/2023January 17th, 2025167 Comments

I’m trying to choose an L-shaped sofa for my living room and I need your help! Here are the two options I’m considering and also a look at how I decided on the right neutral for this space. 


This is what the left side of my living room currently looks like (below). My outdoor sectional is a placeholder until I choose and order a custom made sofa. 

I love that this room has 3 seating areas. Also, I need the same area rug that I have now but in a custom size (larger).



Diamond Sisal Rug

Since sectionals are usually found in great rooms and media rooms, I’m calling it an L-shaped sofa instead. That’s because it will be as formal as the rest of the furniture seen here.

Which L-shaped sofa should I choose?

OPTION 1: Here are is the first L-shaped sofa I’m considering:

Ashley Whittaker


This one is also a lovely formal sectional with the english arm. However, since my sofa is already this style I don’t want to repeat it. I’d like something different.

Serena & Lily


More photos of the living room in my last house

OPTION 2: And here’s the second L-shaped sofa that I’m considering. This skirted version is a screen shot from a video tour I saw on YouTube I think here.

My kitchen cabinets are a green beige and the main neutral in the house is also a green beige complex cream (below). 

So this means if I’m adding a neutral piece of furniture to sit with the colour, it should also be a green beige fabric (which is basically a cream without being yellow) that relates to the flowers in my wallpaper as well.

What other neutrals work in my living room?

Let’s go through all the rest of my options to see if there’s another one that could also work?

Obviously none of the greys or taupe will work (left side of the neutral colour wheel). So what we have left is orange beige, pink beige and yellow beige. A yellow beige fabric could also have been a possibility here because the undertones are so close.

In the photo below I have pulled out the two lightest green beige neutrals from my system (find the list here) from Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams. All of these green beige paint colours look good with the performance fabric I’ve chosen.

Get the complete list of my curated neutrals in either of my ebooks here. Shop my colour boards here.

Lets review the previous mid-tone taupe world again shall we? Did I mention the entire house was this shade of taupe. All 5100 square feet. Including the exterior!

And the after:

I will be hanging decorative drapery panels in the living room and here in the entry. I cannot wait – it will be so gorgeous!

Read all about our herringbone floors here, and the leopard stairs here.

We have started moving some of the boxwoods over from the driveway to my front garden bed (below) the rest is going in today. Stay tuned for more exterior updates as we enter Spring!

Go here to see what the exterior looked like when we took posession.

Over to you my lovelies, which sofa do you like? The first L-shaped sofa option or the second option?

Take the first step to becoming a True Colour Expert—join me live here!

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32 pins


  • Kristin says:

    Probably the skirted couch since it’s in the same line of sight as the white skirted chair with the green pillow on it? The view will kind of flow all together.

  • Lynn says:

    Personally I like Option 1- it looks comfortable and even though it is similar to what you had, new fabric in new surroundings will make it NEW! 😉
    I love the wallpaper. What a delightful space year round it will be.

  • Bree says:

    Option 2 looks more sophisticated (although I don’t love the skirt)

  • Jen Boles says:

    I love option 2 because the design is cleaner but very elegant. I love how your home is coming along and I look forward to every update. We are in the process of downsizing from a 5600 square foot home so I have the opposite problem. I do look forward to a new décor adventure though!

  • Robyn Ahumada says:

    Option 2. Option 1 looks like a grandma couch. Option 2 is more sophisticated.

  • Robin Mansfield says:

    I love sofa picture one. Wish the decorative curtain fabric had been posted. Would love to see it with the wallpaper and other sofa, which I assume you are keeping. I like the sofas to match.

  • Shelley says:

    I like Option 1 best but both are lovely.

  • Sky Davis says:

    Love option one and I think it will go better with your overall style.

  • Shannon WH says:

    Option 1, without a doubt. Yes, maybe similar in style to your other sofa, but there is a reason for that bc it’s a great style that fits with your overall aesthetic.

  • Penny says:

    I like both but my preference would be the tight back one as I have found the loose back cushions require a lot of fussing and still lose their shape with use. But, most important, which is the most comfortable to you and Terreeia (unless it will rarely be used).

  • Susan Hubele says:

    I would choose a sofa the color of your ceiling!

  • Kim says:

    I love option 2 as I love the single cushion on the back. Guess I am partial to single large cushions. Will be exquisite no matter which option. Well done!

  • Lauren T says:

    I would go with Option 1, a rounded arm like your existing sofa. It won’t “match” as you said you don’t want, but it will “harmonize.”
    Everything is looking nice!

  • Beverly says:

    Option 1. The seat cushions in Option 2 already look lumpy/lopsided. I agree with Lynn that Option 1 looks more comfortable and also will blend well yet be different than you yellow sofa, which by the way, I love!!! Something radically different could be jarring to the eye.

  • Trudy Miller says:

    I like the second option better. It is slightly less formal The arm is the same style as your chair in the main area of the living room, a visual link as I assume you can see both areas depending on where you are standing. Are you planning on keeping the skirting?

  • Kitty says:

    Both are lovely. I favor #1 slightly and for the reason that rolled arms are more open. I’m short, and sitting next to the arms of furniture designed like option #2 can make me feel hidden, like I need a cushion (or phone book haha) to sit on so I can see out to the side of the room. I do love the design’s formal and tailored look; it just doesn’t fit me well.

    The home is gorgeous. I’m really looking forward to the final tour/reveal. Blessings and joy in your beautiful space.

  • Amber says:

    Seems like option 1 has a straight back and will be a better fit. I’m wondering if the skirted sofa will fit as snug with the slope to the back? The idea of a skirt is nice since you have a lot of legs in there 😉 but fitting into the space would take preference.

  • Strand Carla says:

    Option 1 is my choice!

  • Jeannine says:

    I think Option 1, but skirted. Option 2 seems like a more modern arm then the rest of your furniture. However I think a skirted sofa would be better for that space.

    I love what you have been doing in your new home. Gorgeous!

  • Cecilia Nardella says:

    I love the second one. I think with everything going on the cleaner lines will work better. You have a beautiful home. Enjoy !

  • I think option two for two reasons: 1. most of your furniture has rounded corners except for the two chairs. This sofa matches the cream chair and repeats the design. 2. Option one has legs, no skirt. This would be a great sofa for a smaller room where depth perception is important. This room is so large you don’t need to make it appear any bigger by being able to see the space under the sofa. Having a cozy corner with the skirted sofa is a fine choice for your living space.

  • Deborah says:

    Option 1 and Canvas Tan

  • Glenda Cameron says:

    I like option 2 for your room. Enjoying your blog.

  • Marilyn says:

    Option 2 is WONDERFUL!!!! Perfect, timeless and will settle into that area flawlessly! The house is beautiful!

  • CN says:

    Love both but prefer Option 1. The part I liked about Option 2, though, was the skirt, since a solid bottom to the sofa might let the wallpaper have its moment more. I normally like the legs to show but since the wallpaper is so beautiful, you don’t need that extra detail quite as much. Your vision is so good, and I am not a designer, so whatever you choose will look wonderful.

  • Becky says:

    I like option 1 the best. Surprised you’re going neutral….you always preach buying a sofa in a color.

    • Maria Killam says:

      If you don’t have any colourful furniture in the space, start with a colourful sofa, there’s lots of colourful furniture in the room already. Maria

  • julie says:

    I like Option 1 much better. Its tufted seat relates to your light blue settee’s tufted back, and the arm relates nicely to the arm in your other sofas.

  • Rhonda says:

    I like option1 but have found tufting on the seat, especially with animals, is a pain to keep clean. As for option 2, I hate back cushions as they end up looking sloppy over time. Love a tight back sofa.

  • Sarah says:

    No matter what you call it, I think a sectional is too casual for a formal living room. Instead of three sofas, how about two matching sofas facing each other and then chairs in the third area.

  • JC says:

    Option 2 is definitely the one. It is lovely and elegant. Much health and happiness in your new home with T and puppies!

  • Kathy says:

    Option 2, This one feels timeless (as you like to say!)

  • Connie says:

    I see many preferences and is difficult to respond when I have a completely different view. The corner where the sofa is to be is cluttered and jumbled and no focal point. The big room is so gorgeous. I would take everything out of that space and live in your house and then consider options. You room has many colors, patterns and sizes of things. I’d go so far as to say call in a trusted designer to discuss. Everytime I have rushed in new house furniture I’ve been disappointed. Until I learned to just live in the space. I know it’s not a popular move to express this, but I felt it was important to mention.

    • Bette says:

      I completely agree. With the mural, that corner of the room is cluttered and visually distracting. My preference would be to have nothing in that corner — but if you absolutely had to have another seating area, I’d have two chairs angled toward each other, with a small table between them. From a feng shui or just personal neuroses perspective, I would never sit in that corner, anyway. It feels closed in and I don’t like walls surrounding me.

    • Benesse says:

      100% agree.
      The room as it stands now is too busy, too cluttered with little things. The space is georgeous, the wallpaper dreamy, it all needs to breathe.

    • Barbara says:

      Yes, Connie – I agree whole-heartedly. If it were me, I would take my time furnishing that corner – since the room is already functional and pretty. Nor do I think a sectional or an L-shaped sofa should go there. Two lovely accent chairs in a terrific fabric (could be a rich, solid color as so not to detract from the mural), a small table, and a lamp (of course!). Maybe wait until there is some artwork on another wall and tie a color in from that – or maybe use the blue ceiling as another color in the palette. The corner really doesn’t need much. Too much clutter could take the mural from gorgeous to busy.

  • LenaM says:

    The proportions look off on Option #1- the seat looks much too deep. I get thigh cramps just thinking about trying to sit on that. #2 might have the same problem, it depends on its measurements or if you need it for seating vs lounging. I’m sure you will find something lovely.

  • Carol Foster says:

    Option 1 in Canvas Tan or Neutral Ground would look lovely and would give lots of versatility for pillow selections.

  • I think it should be Armless & skirted
    No need to introduce another style of arm imo & unlikely you are going to “lounge” on this sofa anyway …you’re really just filling a corner. Armless solid or with very spaced apart stripes (ala Mark D Sykes et al) could be really pretty

  • Kelly Singer says:

    Option 1… I feel it suits your aesthetic better. The other one feels too modern to me. I think option one is more traditional, which is direction you are going with your decor.

  • Mmkpa says:

    Option 2 is “clean”, but on closer inspection I don’t like the back cushions, as someone else mentioned they look a little lumpy. We are big fans of the tight back in our house, have always held up much better.

  • Hi Maria – I prefer the second one, with the skirt. It has more contrast with your existing sofa’s style, so it looks more like an intentional choice. With the first one, I think you run the risk of looking like you tried to match the style to your yellow sofa but didn’t quite get it. Plus, your glam / southern style screams for a skirted sofa at least somewhere in your house 🙂

  • Victoria G. Miller says:

    Option 2, all the way- beautiful😊

  • Linda says:

    My preference is Option 2, love the sleek, feminine curves, but honestly either works.

  • diana says:

    Option 2. It’s very sophisticated. Maria – There are so many very expensive sofas out there which you feel the wood on the arm. They are using cheap foam rather than better quality foam and you can feel the difference. For me, the best quality you can afford is the most important.
    High end trendy stores have junk.

  • Kathi Steele says:

    I think option 1 because I don’t like the detached back of the second option.

  • Marie In AZ says:

    Option 2 – the most elegant option.

  • Jane Rckhoff says:

    I would do neither. You already have 2 seating areas, and lots of squared off areas. How about a round table with 4 chairs? It could be a game table, a puzzle table, etc. Just a thought.

    • LenaM says:

      Or maybe a writing/reading nook?
      With several seating areas there is the hazard of looking like a Hotel lobby.

    • Marion says:

      I agree – I would not want to cover up that mural…..

    • YvonneM says:

      This would be my choice. Both l-shaped sofas read, to me, as “old ladies live here”. Which you definitely are not. A table, 3 or 4 chairs can be opened up visually to let the wallpaper take pride of place.

  • Lorri says:

    OPTION 1 all day long and twice on Sunday. It just blends better with your yellow sofa.

  • cat brown says:

    I would do neither and go for a unique-antique round table and 4 comfortable chairs there. I cant see anyone siting on a sofa in that area.

  • Linda Sikes says:

    Option 2. I think you need a skirted piece. Your home is FABULOUS!!

  • Mimi Goldberg Shulman says:

    Option one works best because it has legs like your other sofas. Adding a piece with a skirt here or there is fine but this sofa is substantial and changes the sofa/seating vibe. Your lovely lovely wallpaper gives a bit of a French feel, where legs often show in the seating. And it keeps the paper visible from all angles.

  • Monica says:

    Both are lovely, but I like the way the concave swoop of the arm in option 2 mirrors the convex curves of your beautiful yellow couch. I also like the way the skirt reads “corner” in the L shape … it becomes the corner … holds place … belongs there. In contrast to the legged sofa, reads more “lots of other things on the floor (all those many legs) over here.”
    Also, I tried a seat similar to the tufted L one. My husband found the tufting under bottom a bit disconcerting, and as such it made him wiggle and fidget. Wiggly-fidgety guests could be amusing, but that might not be the best way to create a comfortable flow.

    Definitely stick with the naming convention of L-shaped vs. “sectional,” lest you ever so glamorously descend the leopard stairs only to be met by a bunch o’ people drinkin’ beer and noshin’ bbq chips while watching the big game … not that there’s anything wrong with that. 😜

  • cindy kisiday says:

    I love everything about this room! Option 1 is my choice…I just feel it is more a delicate design and fits with your overal vibe. Option 2 feels too masculine. I love your posts and blogs…so very helpful!

  • Lisa says:

    I too would love to see a round table – for games? cards? etc instead of another sofa area. I love both sofa options you’ve selected, but since you already have two seating areas it seems like it wouldn’t ever be used. Does anyone use the current outdoor L shaped option?

    • Annie says:

      I like this idea. It would give guests a place to sit, chat and even eat as well for those who don’t want to balance a plate of appetizers and a drink. The idea of playing games there is awesome.

      If putting a table there feels too big I offer two chairs and an accent table between them. Perhaps a tall, slim plant sits behind the table to give height in the corner. Or the table and chairs float into the space with a little bit larger but lovely plant in the corner.

      I see the allure of the L-shaped sofa which I really like but from the photo it does look a bit heavy for that corner and covers up a lot of that gorgeous wallpaper. It must feel like you gaze at a garden in your living room!

      As I see you, “… descend the leopard stairs,” and glide into the room I picture that area to feel more light and airy without a heavier piece of furniture sitting there.

      If you do go with the L-shaped sofa I think one with legs is better but I like the sleek line of option 2.

      This idea may be all wrong but I just love the blue sofa on the other side of the fireplace. What about using the blue color in two chairs with a table between? You do have a lot of gorgeous color in the room already so I can see the appeal of the eye coming to rest on a neutral in that corner. However to me, that shade of blue is quite restful and elegant!

      The fabric you chose is beautiful and I love it in the Canvas Tan. Seeing all the boards with it is really helpful. As you said, any of them would be lovely. I can’t wait to see what you choose!

  • Option 1. I think you want legs there. I think if you do a slope arm sofa with the skirt it will look very solid and heavy in that corner. And since your beloved yellow sofa has legs, you don’t want the auxiliary L-shaped sofa
    looking massive compared to your yellow sofa. Sectionals are big things anyway. For me, I would want a little air under that sofa.

    You have the skirted chair so you do have a skirted element in the room. I do love a skirted piece but I think since it needs to play nice with the yellow sofa it should also have legs.

  • Nicky says:

    I like option 1, but in green. The green outdoor furniture looks delightful with that wallpaper! I dislike skirts to furniture, too much experience with dog toys and dust getting trapped underneath.

  • Sandra B says:

    armless and skirted – but the gaming table and chairs sound like a good option, too.

  • Loryn says:

    I love option 1, but you’d make either option look beautiful. It’s so nice to see one of these big rooms with enough furniture in it! So many people use only a few pieces of furniture in and the rooms look cavernous. THIS is how they’re supposed to look!

  • Joanna says:

    I prefer the looks of option #1 but the tufted seat might not be the most comfortable. Option #2 does not seem your style and differs from your current pieces. I do like the idea of a skirt though.

    I hesitate to say this but will. Your living room, with the beautiful ceiling, great fireplace mantel, and that gorgeous wallpaper (all statements), does not need all those colours – blue love seat, green chair, yellow sofa, plus IMHO there is too much going on in the room. It’s looking cluttered. Why not have a beautiful antique chest or console on each side of the fireplace. Then your wall of wallpaper and marble-look mantel will be the star. Perhaps, have two love seats or sofas facing each other with two chairs as the main seating area, a games area by the window, and two statement chairs by the stairs as a little tête-à-tête? Just my vision…

  • SDS says:

    Whichever arm you choose, I would definitely consider skirted as there are already a good amount of legs in the room. Perhaps also consider a writing desk (or something similar) perpendicular to one of the walls instead of another seating area. A dining type chair on either side (maybe Chippendale style), you would have additional seating someone could easily bring to one of the other seating areas when desired.

  • Alison says:

    I would go with option one (1) since the arms are similar in shape to the opposite blue sofa. Since there are a lot of things going on in the room, since it’s so large with multiple seating arrangements, if the L-shaped sofa reflects the shape of the sofa to the right of the fireplace on the same wall, then it provides the eyes a place to “rest” somewhat.

  • Debra says:

    I think two facing each other . Another yellow like the one you have. The sectional would be off in the corner and a bit disconnected . I have the same sort of layout and find people don’t sit away from the main conversation seating. IMO and experience.

  • Debbie Coppola says:

    I like option 1 as it has some tufting similar to your loveseat on the right of the fireplace and the open legs. I also agree with having it the color of the ceiling (same as sofa on right of fireplace).
    I also enjoy the calmness of the colors as my style is more tone on tone, so that helps bring me out of my box more.

  • JoDi says:

    I like either option, but it sounds like you’re leaning toward 2. I recommend doing it in green. That’s going to be a large neutral object in an otherwise colorful room, especially if you choose the skirted option. I’m just not sure I’d want that much beige in this room. I would choose a green closer to the throw over the white chair. It would look fantastic with the leopard pillows.

  • Bonita O'Neill says:

    Option 2. Classy and elegant.

  • Maureen says:

    Option 1– a roll arm is timeless. I would say it coordinates with your other sofa rather than matches it. The other sofa looks contemporary to me. Best wishes on the project!

  • Mary says:

    I prefer Option 1 …. It looks more formal than Option 2 & I would also use a round drum style (to the floor) cocktail table.

  • Sylvie says:

    Hi Maria, someone suggested a card table with chairs, and this idea really appeals to me for that corner! I could see a round pedestal table with 4 comfortable chairs, which could be upholstered and even skirted. A classic and classy look that would add a lot of function to the room: cards, puzzles, tea, intimate conversations, appetizers and drinks, maybe even a little work on the laptop or bill-paying.

  • Monica says:

    Option 1 looks like a luxe version of a kitchen banquette. Option 2 seems more sophisticated and comfortable. However, my preference would be 2 comfy chairs with ottomans. Even though your room is large a sectional might be just too much.

  • Anne Wallman says:

    Option one

  • Nina says:

    I think Option 1. The arms coordinate better with your yellow English Roll Arm better than the second option. Also, the tight back maintains the tidy feel of the space better than the L-sofa with the pillows on the back.

  • Barbara says:

    I like option 1. But I LOVE your pale loveseat to the right of the fireplace! Can you give any details on it? Thanks
    PS Your home is just gorgeous!

  • Mid America Mom says:

    Love to see the progress!

    I would go with Option 2. I love that this piece will be tucked into a corner! As in a corner, the need for exposed feet and open space is not needed, giving this a more intimate feeling. This area like a great lounging area and I can imagine books! Out of all of the seating there… I feel during the alone moments, I would be at the skirted chair or this piece (near the bottom tread side) as that seems to maximize the view outside and the fireplace. With these large cushions (so much better to get comfortable on- none of those dips and cracks), the piece feels more lux and custom. I envision a small 3 legged drum instead of a coffee table, with more books on it 😉

    While I love the style of option 1, I am not a fan of it on a sectional.

    Good luck!

  • Anna Gacevich says:

    I would rethink the furniture arrangement completely and skip the sectional. You have beautiful pieces but I think you are trying to fill up all of the space to make it feel homey. I think 2 matching sofas facing each other in front of the fireplace would be ideal. Then perhaps add a bench in front of the fire and a pair of armchairs opposite the fireplace. If there is still space then maybe a games table with chairs in an area and a large antique piece such as a tall secretary with a chair along a wall.

  • Mary Anne says:

    I like the cozy club room feel of the second but wonder if it would feel too heavy with the rest of the room.

  • Gloria says:

    Maria, I like the idea of a round table with 4 skirted upholstered chairs. The idea of having a game table (where your nephews can hang out but be near the grownups?) is great – not sure why you need another seating area over there and you could pull in the upholstered chairs should you need extra seating. I like the two paint colors in the middle (#2 would be my pick). But if you really need a sofa in that corner, I’d go with #1:).

    I guess I’d like to hear more about your plans for using that room before making a definite decision. I also agree with the idea of living with it for awhile to see how the room ends up functioning before buying furniture. Thanks for asking us!!!

  • Nancy says:

    I love Option 1 and your room looks lovely!

  • Susan Riggs says:

    If your mind is set on having a sectional, I would go with option two.
    I like the clean lines especially with the close proximity to those gorgeous stairs with the leopard (or cheetah?) print! And being the pillow whore that I am. It just screams for some cushy, vibrant, exotic pillows.

    Although the first option appears to have some tufting in the seat, which works nicely with the small blue sofa on the opposite side of the fireplace, that much tufting on a bigger piece might compete too much with the stairs. And your beautiful wall design.

    That being said, a set of club chairs and ottomans with a game table might be nice. Which can also give some versatility when entertaining.

    Adore your work!

  • Sandi Friel says:

    I’m thinking that an L-shaped sofa even in a neutral will be too visually heavy for the space. I’d rather see an antique round wood pedestal table with a fabulous lamp on it and either parsons chairs or wing chairs in light blue or in a light neutral with light blue pillows.

  • Wendy says:

    I love the playfulness of Option 1. Not a fan of skirted sofas…think I lived that too many times. :). As far as the colour goes, without knowing your actual wall colour, I’d guess that Manchester Tan would give you a similar light/dark contrast that you’re having with the blue loveseat.
    I have a question though, and this is why I’m taking your course again in April (I previously attended your live course 7 years ago), are you creating a clean/dirty colour issue? Your yellow and blue sofa colours are fresh and clean. Will a green-beige LARGE sectional sofa look dirty with these colours? Would a light to mid-toned green be better?

    • Maria Killam says:

      It’s a cream sofa basically but I’m splitting hairs calling it a green beige (which it technically is). . . no it will not be clean or dirty. Maria

  • Gail says:

    I would do neither, too heavy. I would repeat exactly what you are doing on the right side as it will be more soothing to the eye.

  • Kay says:

    Neither#1 nor #2, Maria! Since you’re going custom, why not go all the way to make it completely yours? I have a question however. Is the lovely petite blue loveseat on the opposite side of the fireplace permanent? Thinking about how that wall will read as a whole, will the loveseat side as currently configured, appear too light or under scaled for the L sofa? On the other hand, if the loveseat is permanent and you want the other side of the fireplace to “mirror” the more traditional feel of the loveseat, then some of those details could be repeated, but not the legs! I think the exposed leg looks too spindly for the bulk of the L sofa. I feel you definitely need a straight outside back to conform to the space. And a back that hugs the wall will take up less space and create a more attractive profile when approached from the side. If you feel like you have too many skirts in the room, what about a plain banded base? Frankly, the stiff inside back and all the button tufting of #1 looks uncomfortable and too fussy for you and your style as well. I feel that the overall look of the L sofa needs to be softer than either #1 or #2 provides.

  • Melissa says:

    The first two have a lot of tufting, I think it is too much, tufting looks good in smaller doses like your light blue sofa. Also tufting on a fabric (not leather) looks very fussy traditional and the L-shaped sofa is inherently more modern-ish in that it is a newer invention.

  • Rachael B says:

    Personally, I like option 2, but you’re the expert! I’m surprised you’re going with a neutral. Wouldn’t a velvet coral couch be pretty there?

  • Lori says:

    Option 1. I’d stay away from the skirted. They look heavy and can collect dust and dirt. And if pets go underneath them, they can get the skirt dirty in certain places.

  • Linda says:

    I love a conversation circle and this might be the perfect place for one — 4 cozy chairs and a round, coffee table. Pottery Barn has some the English, roll-arm style including a chaise (Carlisle). I personally covet the English ‘roll-arm’ so if you’re going for the sofa option of it, then using a different fabric (or colour) would make the similarity to the LR sofa less obvious.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with this space.. good luck.


  • GnuWeber says:

    Oh man… this is a hard one as they are both beautiful. I’d go with the skirted couch since you want formal and don’t want to match the other couch. Plus you have 2 other chairs with skirts.
    Can’t wait to see the final outcome!

  • GnuWeber says:

    Oh man… this is a hard one as they are both beautiful. I’d go with the skirted couch since you want formal and don’t want to match the other couch. Plus you have 2 other chairs with skirts.

    Can’t wait to see the final outcome!

  • C C says:

    For anyone that has a dog that likes balls, definitely go with the skirted couch!!!!

    Seeing balls under the couch with bare legs will drive anyone crazy and you’ll be bending down and crawling under that couch to get the ball Every. Single. Day.

    Ask me how I know.

  • Patricia says:

    I prefer option 1 as I’m not fond of a skirted sofa. Everything is coming along so beautifully.

  • Laura Swaim says:

    Definitely option one.
    Option 2 has skirting and is just not… don’t do it.

  • Robin says:

    I will cut to the chase. Option 1.
    It’s so pretty. And I just love it.
    The thing about option 2 sectional is the larger cushions end up with oddly placed creases eventually and look sloppy.
    Fun to watch the progress!

  • Wendy says:

    I’m here to screw up your plan! 😀

    I have a very large living room as well, and it took a while to get comfy with the function of such a room.

    Eventually, I decided that function of the various spaces was as important as scale and color of the new furnishings. Therefore, I elected to not have multiple sofas, but went with a table and chairs in one section (a place to eat a sandwich, have a meeting, do the taxes, play cards, etc.) and a reading area with club chairs to face each other, and a shared ottoman. Great lighting for reading, or dozing, or a long phone call. One entire action is for a baby grand piano (do either of you play? I don’t…hahaha! but it looks gorgeous, is a wonderful display surface, and visitors enjoy it so much. Then, our yummy mohair aqua sofa with upholstered chairs to flak it face the fireplace. Side tables and coffee table there too.

    Okay, you get the idea. My point is: the entire room can be usd for various things and looked more lived in, rather than a “sofa showroom” which was my husband’s phrase when I approached him about my original multi-sofa scheme 😂

  • Laura Schmid says:

    I love the idea of matching chests on either side of the fireplace with sofas facing one another in the center area of the space. Another suggestion- a chaise in that corner with a tall reading lamp next to it to create a comfortable reading space.

  • L says:

    There is nothing appealing about Option 1, it doesn’t look comfy, neither the back nor the tufted seat. Option 2 will be a different color/fabric and will better relate to the style of your existing sofa. (So says this non designer follower 😆)

  • SC says:

    Option 2

  • Bert says:

    Option 1 by a country mile!
    But I also love the idea of table and chairs that several people mentioned.

  • I vote for option 2. The skirt softens the room and avoids too many legs in the room!

  • Nancy T. says:

    I personally prefer option 1, in either Canvas Tan or Manchester Tan. I find the overall line of the couch more streamlined and modern than option 2, and a much better fit with the rest of the furniture and the decor already in place in your amazing living room.

  • Brenda Jabusch says:

    Option #1

  • Arlene says:

    Option 1as it goes with your house. Option 2 is boring and to casual for your classy front room.

  • Arlene says:

    Changed my mind after reading Wendys comments. Get creative and do something different in that space. You don’t need 3 couches Maria – ok if you do tell us about it. When I looked at your outdoor furniture I thought a cozy area with beautiful antique pieces in there.

  • Cornelia Dodge says:

    Option two because you already have legs and you need a skirt. Plus I don’t like the laid-back arm with the roll on option one. I think it looks a little pokey and old lady (no offense😊) plus it’s an opportunity to have some really fantastic tape trim on the skirt.

  • Andrea says:

    Option 2 would be my choice. I like the clean lines. That being said, I also like the idea of a game table and chairs in that area.

  • Susan says:

    I like Option 1 best. The tufted seat is similar to one of your couches with the tufted back. To me Option 2 doesn’t seem to fit your overall look as much, the long cushion seats usually end up “curling up” at the ends, and I don’t think the skirt adds anything. I think a fabric in a green beige would look lovely. Your house is lovely and I enjoy your postings — thank you!

  • Marcia says:

    Do you really expect it to be used for seating or is it just really a design element? Does it need to be comfortable?

    If it’s just a design element (i.e., used for seating once in a blue moon for those massive holiday parties you plan to host), then pick whatever design fits best within the design you are striving for.

    BUT, if it really will be used for seating (like curling up with one’s feet up with a book seated aside the fire that will be roaring on a cold winter night), I’d go for something with arms that are more comfortable. I dislike the hard vertical arms because they don’t lend themselves to comfort for any length of time. And throw pillows behind one’s back just don’t offer the same support.

    So what is the intended purpose? As fabulous as you are, you certainly don’t need our color or design help, that’s for sure.

  • Katherine says:

    I like option 1. I think it will offer a more cohesive look.

  • Melissa Smith says:

    First let me say, this room is already so gorgeous that you can’t really go wrong either way. I do like the idea of changing the style, so that means option 2.
    I just ran across an image (can’t figure out how to share here) with a similar set up that included a custom corner tufted banquet (armless). Have you considered something like that?

  • 2nd one hands down, no contest! It’ll be stunning and I’d go with the skirted version, too many legs in the room look unsettled or ‘restless’ as Billy Baldwin says 🙂
    Can’t wait to see it all installed, I know it’ll be gorgeous!

  • Laura says:

    While I don’t have sofa advice for you, I will say that your fabric looks very similar to what I chose for our recently-delivered custom chair. Is it Sam Moore 400553-09? I love it – so soft with beautiful texture. Thanks to your ebooks and exceptional color advice, I was able to confidently select new sofa and chair fabric to coordinate with our existing paint, SW Wool Skein. Your house looks amazing Maria, and your sofa will too, because you know how to style everything beautifully!

  • Cheryl says:

    I would put a baby grand player piano in that corner! Looks like it was designed for it!

  • Susan S says:

    I love the second sofa choice if the bolster type cushions on the back of the sofa are unattached. It feels like it will steer the room from looking too frou-frou. I also agree with another comment that there are already enough exposed feet with your other sofa and settee and at least one other chair; therefore, I like the skirting choice on the second sofa.

  • Chris says:

    Not sure bout the sofa, but love the dog!

  • Laura Hern says:

    I love Option 2. The depth of color will create an intimate area for guests in a tucker away place in the home. Add the leopard and colored pillows, seasonally and your are set. This is the win!!!

  • Liz N says:

    First option.

    The arms on the second sofa/option two are wildly uncomfortable.

  • Ellie says:

    Option 2. The single seat on the first option looks awkward to my eye. The second option looks more balanced and visually more comfortable and welcoming.

  • Lauren says:

    I like option 1. Feels a bit more classic somehow?

  • Sue in NC says:

    A sofa would look extremely odd and out of place in that corner.
    I think a couple of large chairs on either side of a corner book case, a standing reading lamp and a BIG houseplant.
    No a huge odd sofa that will never belong.

  • KNJ says:

    Not sure that an L shaped couch is what is truly needed in the space since the space as currently photographed with ‘space holding’ furniture looks so squished into this etherial space. Pull the furniture (even that on the other side of the hearth) off the walls and float it on the larger new carpet. Get two couches to create an L shaped area and add tables with lamps around or even behind them (along the stair wall). The ambiance, lighting, flow will be much improved…and will also add a bit of symmetry which will be extremely pleasing given the elegant wallpaper & hearth. The room, light, ceiling height, openness can easily handle having the furniture not glued to the walls. Just my two cents.

  • Tracy says:

    I love the first sofa. I’m sure it can be skirted too.

  • Linda Gail Trammel says:

    Wow. A lot of voting going on here. I would vote Option #1. Can’t go wrong with white. However, without being right there in your home to see I kinda think a large sofa would be too much. Like trying to cover every single foot. I would want mine to look spacious and not crowded. Like some have suggested maybe a table with chairs or a large bench. Even two large chairs. But I like white. It is always dramatic. Good luck. It’s so exciting to see what you will end up choosing.

  • Rosemary says:

    I like #2 but was does T like or want

  • Brigitte Moore says:

    Option two! I love your yellow sofa with the English arm, as well as your love seat with the rolled arm. To add some contrast my choice is option two. It has such beautiful lines. As both Ls will be against a wall, I would go for the skirted version. I’m in complete awe of how you are decorating your new home— you are so talented!

  • Kathleen Richardson says:

    Surprised you’re considering a sofa without color! This doesn’t fall in line with your advice on selecting sofa colors. Having a neutral up against your wallpaper will look uninspired. It’s tough when you’re doing your own area ( we’re just too close to the action). Though your outdoor set is being a placeholder, anything similar will look too heavy for the space and the delicate wallpaper design.
    Along the staircase, Place a long console
    ( maybe 2 to create one long line) that have storage underneath (something like Ikea “Besta” because you can get a soft colored cab base with a white top with a sheen. Sure you can find something like this, but with real wood that can be custom. Everyone needs hidden storage other than in a closet or the kitchen. Add a yellow lamp on each end to carry over the yellow sofa color. Really like others idea of round table and coral upholstered chairs (wood/metal legs please so they look light, airy and don’t hide the mural too much.
    The blue ceiling needs to be repeated and making a connection down below. Put your sofa table in front of the fireplace, then your yellow sofa next ( facing the fireplace). To the left and right of your sofa, place matching blue sofas facing each other
    ( this is a “U” shaped configuration). Based on the size of the room the blue sofas can be short or long. Coral, green, blue ,yellow, cream pillows can go on furniture to pull it all together. Your club chairs can go into corner by window with table and lamp to create an intimate area. 2 of your animal backed chairs would look lovely opposite the stairway between the windows. They’d not only help that hallway area look less empty (relocate that short white console table from that area- too skimpy. Add a series of short potted plants along the staircase.), but provide seating and give some color.
    And, the animal print will harmonize with your stairs animal print. Delicious!

  • Kathleen Richardson says:

    Forgot to mention, 2 sofas ALWAYS give you more options than an L- shaped configuration.

  • Carrie says:

    Hi Maria,
    Definitely option 2! Personally I don’t like tufted sofas but you might, so you have to go for what you like and the look you are going for. Thanks for sharing!

  • KJG says:

    I would probably choose option 1, and I especially like the version with the contrasting line (is it piping?) across the top edge because it would define the corner beautifully. Also, the back’s higher, simpler cushion and the wooden legs give the sofa a “built in nook like” quality so it can really be a separate space in the living room.

  • Carly Martin says:

    If you’re making me choose, I’d go Option 2, BUT I would have actually opted out of a third setting, seems like overkill? I personally would have created a singular ‘nook’ with a one person chaise chair and a rug to define it as a space for someone to cosy up and read a book or similar.

  • Elle says:

    This is not what you asked, but….I’m not fond of a sectional except in a very casual area where people are happy to sprawl. Otherwise the corner of the “L” is a wasted , uncomfortable space. And a big neutral piece of furniture seems like a disappointment when the room has such a beautiful, airy, light feel. I agree with others who have suggested thinking about the function of that corner, rather than filling it with another “sofa on steroids”.

  • Marla says:

    Late reply, but I agree with Elle, a sectional in that corner is a bit “hotel lobby”.
    When entering the space, the relationship between the sofa’s back and the wall will be obvious. A straight-backed sofa will appear banquet-like, while a curved back could leave an awkward gap. Much to consider…9

  • Marla says:

    Sorry about that 9!

  • Marg says:

    I prefer #1 with the tight back, lower arms and no skirt.

    I feel sure that whatever Maria chooses will be stunning. I love what she’s done so far, especially the leopard stair runner and the wall murals! Gorgeous!

    I’d live in that beautifully decorated colourful house any day!

  • Kimberly says:

    I like option 2, but also wonder why you would need a sectional there. Some large plants or a sculpture, maybe?

  • Kay says:

    I like option 1- the tufted seat is interesting and will add a bit of drama to the neutral fabric choice. The arms look nice with your existing furniture also. Most important the dog can retrieve a tennis ball under it 😂.

  • Tracy says:

    I would choose option 2 with the skirt. Personally I like couches to be without the skirt – it is just so much easier to clean the floors, and in the case of a small room seeing the floor beneath can make the room feel larger. In this case the room is already large, the natural light is fabulous and using this style would not draw attention from the other lovely furnishings in the room. Plus, it would create a very cosy corner in which to settle and read a book, have a conversation or an afternoon snooze!

  • Sheilah says:

    If you have to have a sofa there I would choose Option 1. Tufting is classic and comfortable. But I also agree with everyone who said that corner doesn’t need a big piece of furniture covering up the wallpaper. The table and chairs or baby grand piano options would allow you to see through to the wallpaper. It’s a very busy space as it is.

  • Elsbeth says:

    Wow, this post shocked me. A NEUTRAL SOFA? A sectional?! From KM? After years of hearing about colourful sofas, it almost feels like the blog was hacked.
    My vote is no to third seating area, no to L shaped sofa concept, and no to neutral sofa. It just doesn’t seem like Maria in any way. Would rethink as other great comments have suggested some great alternatives such as a table, less business, etc. Best wishes in whatever you choose.

  • Maureen says:

    Option 1😊

  • Charlene O'Neil says:

    I think option 2 will look too heavy in that corner with the skirt and the large seat and back cushions. It’s a beautiful open and airy room and a sofa with legs will help maintain that feeling. A tight back or boxed back cushions will work better with the tailored look of the other furniture in that space.
    Option 2 will also start to look sloppy over time, both the back and the seat cushions, which will develop lumpy areas in spots that get more use. Boxed cushions can be flipped over and moved to different spots on the sofa (if you pick the right style) to ensure more consistent wear over time. As well, skirts can be a pain. They get dusty and have to be flipped up all the time to vacuum under the sofa, or search for pet toys. Some have a metal rod along the bottom to weight them down and keep them looking crisp, but over time that can sometimes poke through the material at the end of the skirt because people keep kicking them accidentally when they go to sit on the sofa.
    Option1looks a little dated with that leg style, and I wonder how comfortable the tufting would be to sit on for longer periods. Back tufting is not as much of a problem.
    The white sofa is very nice, but you would prefer not to repeat the arm style.
    Have you considered 2 smaller sofas, or upholstered tall-back wing chairs, with a table in the corner for a lamp, and perhaps a round tufted ottoman in front with a decorative tray for books, etc.? Sort of a cozy reading/relaxing corner nook. Then more of your beautiful mural and moulding would be on display and the corner would have a bit of breathing room, like the rest of the space.

  • Mimi says:

    Maria, have you looked at something similar to the Everly Quinn- ‘Brucelyn’ round velvet sectional (on Wayfair) for example? Such a piece would create an inviting and intimate corner but not be wall-hugging, thereby opening up more of the mural view.
    I am really enjoying all of the feedback on your question -so interesting!

  • Ronda says:

    Not a fan of sectionals. They are too limiting. Maybe a couple of chairs or a love seat or sofa and a chair. I dislike sitting in the corner of a sectional. They take up a lot of space and don’t offer flexibility.

  • Michelle says:

    Both options are lovely. How do you plan to use this corner? If it’s for frequent lounging, sprawling out with a book or something, Option 2 looks more comfortable. If it’s just for extra seating when you’re hosting a big group, I like Option 1 based on looks alone.

    I’m wondering if you really need extra seating here? Party planners say it’s better if there isn’t enough seating everyone. You know those parties where you walk in and everyone’s just sitting down? I suspect you already have this with your sunroom but a round table for games or puzzles, or a little library corner could be really nice as well. Sorry, I know that wasn’t your question!

  • Joyce Laux says:

    Option 2

  • Athena Nicolaides says:

    I prefer option 1!

  • Tracy says:

    Hi Maria
    I prefer Option 1. The smooth back and curved arms are just more welcoming, and traditionally lovely. To me, option 2 is too stuffy and the straight arm and tight fabric are not as appealing. Not a huge fan of the skirt, either.

    What a fun poll! Interesting to see others’ comments 🙂

  • Sophie says:

    I’d go with option 2 as it’s a different style. It adds a touch of modern instead of going with similar couches. Let your yellow couch still be the star :). Your house looks beautiful!!!

  • Loribeth says:

    I love option 1, but not with the striped fabric.

    On another note, I think this is the first time that I’ve seen your herringbone floors shown looking toward the stairs. I kept hoping you’d post that view because it makes it so apparent how wonderful it looks in comparison to the tile before.

  • Stephanie says:

    I just came to say that what you did to those stairs is perfection! Just perfect.

  • JJJ says:

    Option one is prettier and would look gorgeous in your living BUT, assuming your pup is allowed on the furniture, those tufts will soon be collection depots for paw grit and fur(even though your dog doesn’t shed much). I have poodles and a large tufted ottoman. I eventually put a permanent cover over the ottoman because I got tired of vacuuming those tufts all the time.

  • Elaine says:

    I prefer Option 2 only because I have two chairs with a tufted seat. They are extremely comfortable and the most expensive pieces of furniture I’ve ever had, BUT that tufting on the seat . . . Everything collects in the tufting! There is no good way to clean it – vacuuming, no; damp cloth, no; fingers, no. I’ve resorted to keeping a similar colored throw on each of the seating areas to avoid things dropping down into the holes. So sad! Don’t make the same mistake that I did.

  • Pat says:

    You’re getting a lot of feedback and it looks like it may turn out to be a draw! I love option 2.

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