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Did you know that aside from mistakes in coordinating colour, especially neutrals, the most common mistake when decorating a room is not knowing which items to choose first? This is especially important when ordering your home decor online. 

That’s why I’m introducing a brand new course packed with tips and tricks to give you all the colour confidence you need to shop online. 

A reader recently sent me this message:

I love your sense of color and style in your wardrobe. Maybe you’d be willing to share tips on…color [for fashion]…”

This is such a great compliment — and it occurred to me that the tips and tricks I’ve learned about how to shop online for clothes have some similarities to the conversation about how to shop online for your home.

How to get colour right when shopping online

Colourful Outfits

Dressing with colour is much harder than wearing neutrals, and obviously decorating interiors is the same, which is why most people embrace neutrals when decorating their homes.

For example, you can’t just throw on an orange t-shirt with jeans and white runners. Suddenly, in order to make it work, you need a scarf with orange in it, or some jewelry, or perhaps shoes or a bag to match? Or perhaps an orange t-shirt with kelly green pants. 

It simply takes more thought to dress with colour and it certainly takes more thought to decorate and design with colour online.

Getting Colour Right When Shopping Online

And whether you’re shopping for clothes online or things for your home, it’s critical to get the colour right — whether it’s bright or muted colours, tricky neutrals or too many kinds of white to choose from! And, that’s why I decided to curate my best tips and tricks for shopping online into convenient video lessons.

Here’s what you’ll learn in my Shop Online with Colour Confidence course:

  • I’ll demonstrate how to turn TWO FREE TOOLS (you are likely already familiar with) into your shopping besties!
  • We’ll walk through the two most essential steps to help you pick a starting point for your design project
  • I’ll share my seven BEST tips for making the right colour choices when decorating your room
  • And, I’ll show you exactly what to do and what not to do for stress-free, confident online shopping

Finding out that your online purchase isn’t going to work can be downright depressing. A reader once told me that she had a basement full of area rugs she ordered online that didn’t end up working. Online purchase mistakes are frustrating, not to mention the out-of-pocket costs and time it takes to ship the item back to the retailer for a return.

This is what this course is designed to save you from.

It’s much easier and better when you can see something in person, but when you can’t, this course will give you the confidence to make better, informed choices when shopping online.

  • Maybe you live far away from your favourite home decor stores, so shopping online is the only option to get what you want
  • Perhaps you’re working with a minimal budget and want to be able to assemble the room budget or find the best deal before you “add to cart”
  • What if you just don’t trust your eye (or your computer) yet? Maybe you’re tired of constantly shipping everything back?
  • Or, perhaps you just fell in love with the perfect area rug, but now you’re not sure how to pull the entire room together with your colour palette

How to Shop Online with the Killam Colour System

It’s taking me years to get colour right — and that’s why I created my system of specifying colour with confidence. But, did you know that my system can also help you make better choices online when shopping for home decor?

When I ordered new dining chairs from Ballard Designs, the frames came in these two painted finishes, black and the two walnut stains:

Since I wanted the frames to be in the realm of white, I ordered the two painted finishes so I could compare. (Which is the only way to SEE colour accurately).

Then when they arrived, I simply pulled out my fan deck and went straight to the colours in the Killam Colour system (you can find the list of colours in either of my ebooks here).

That’s when I discovered that both these painted finishes are not white at all, but in fact, they are both green beige:

You can see that SW 6148 Wool Skein matches the ‘Distressed off white’ and SW 6149 Relaxed Kahki, is a pretty close match to ‘distressed grey over white’. Both of these samples have a slight glaze on them which is why you’re not seeing an exact match, however, it’s close enough to make a colour decision, confidently. 

So I ordered the light one which overall reads cream without looking yellow, which exactly what happens when you use these colours outside, as you’ll learn in my online Exterior Masterclass for Colour Selection course.

You can see that in the context of my dining room (my sideboard is painted a true white) and also with the darker emerald velvet fabric, the frame does not look as dark as it does on the sample.

So there you go, just a snippet of what you’ll learn in this course

I’m going to show you how to apply these principles to help you make better choices online when shopping for fashion and home decor. It will help you with eDesign too, however, I have a much more extensive course for eDesign coming soon too, so stay tuned.

This online course is a guide to learn what to do, and just as importantly, what not to do when you shop online, regardless of budget size. It’s loaded with designer tips and decorating tricks to help you shop online like a pro. 

Get Colour Right Shopping Online


If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that we are lucky enough to live in a day and age that is powered through the internet. If you have the right tools and support, you can create a colour coordinated room without leaving home. And I can show you how.

If you want to understand which purchase to make first, how not to overspend on one or two pricey items, and how to stretch your budget so you get as close as possible to having it all… then this is the course to help you achieve that goal!

> Buy the course here. 

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