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The best way to learn anything is with a mentor. Whether you’re starting out or trying to push through to the next level, there’s nothing like having the benefit of your mentor’s expertise.

If you’re following me, it’s probably because my advice resonates with you. You might find yourself nodding your head in solidarity.

And I know from speaking with so many of you over the years that there are many households out there who consistently ask “What would Maria Do?”

So I’ve found a way to make my content and my experience with colour and decorating more accessible on an ongoing basis. And I’ve created a space where my colour community can connect and share their experience too.

And I’m so excited for you to join and check it out!

Home projects are never ending

Home projects are truly endless, even if you have just moved into a brand new home that doesn’t need a stitch of renovating.


Because now you’re decorating. 

And if you’ve lived anywhere a really long time, you might be eyeballing a room or two that need to be re-decorated.

Which means, there’s always a colour or design decision that needs to be made. 

That’s where a community of like-minded people who all speak the same colour language comes in. 

Ongoing learning (but with a supportive team)

What I’ve created is a space for ongoing learning.

For example, just in time for lamp season I am launching the first module of Styling School which will be all about lamps! So before you buy one more lamp, watch this module!

It’s everything you need to know about lamps including scale, all about shades and the right bulbs. It’s only available inside. And new modules will be coming out soon!

Join the True Colour Insider here.

And if you’re a design professional or someone who is just starting a decorating, colour consulting business you generally work alone.

And if you don’t have a mentor who you can call when you get stuck on a design question, what do you do?


Now you won’t be alone anymore! (Lucy when she was a baby)

Sit in on my eDesign meetings!

Now there’s a place where not only can you sort out design dilemmas with the help of a community including myself and my team, you can also learn by sitting in on my weekly edesign team meetings.

Not only do these team meetings walk through all kind of homes, but at the same time as we’re identifying the style of the home, we’re solving design dilemmas that look like this:

‘This clients flooring is [insert colour here] and it’s staying, what colour should the cabinets and countertops be?”

“This client lives in a 70s house with 80s finishes and she wants an English Country kitchen, now what?”

“These exterior windows need shutters because the windows on this house are too small but the placement of the windows are wrong what else can we suggest?”

“The hood fan is the wrong size in this kitchen, what can we do to minimize that and/or what suggestion can we make to fix it?”

“This client needs a new paint colour but what other suggestions can we make to bring this room some joy!”

Copy what works in my business

I was thinking about this the other day because I’m learning something new in my business and I noticed that what I do when I’m learning new things in the beginning, I flat out copy what the experts are doing.

When I was a brand new decorator, I would take endless notes when I followed my mentors around during a colour consultation.

I did the same thing at the beginning of the pandemic when I discovered Trinny Woodall, my favourite stylist and fashion influencer from the UK. 

I would buy almost identical outfits she would have until I realized that what looked really good on her didn’t always work for me because my body type is different from hers.

I followed her so intently, I couldn’t help but get a lot better 🙂 

Let me be your mentor

And, now that I’ve been in over 20,000 homes in 25 years both in person and virtually, I’m in a position where I can officially be YOUR mentor and coach. 

Most designers will never be in 20,000 homes in their entire life, but because I have been in all these homes ahead of you, and so often working with what you already have, this means learning from me is a golden opportunity for those of you who never got to follow a mentor around.

Here’s how to get all your decorating questions answered


Also my How to Create a Mood Board course, my Exterior Masterclass, AND my Business of Colour and Business of eDesign courses are inside!

Join True Colour Insider here.

Now everything I can teach you is in one interactive place. And you can create connections and lasting friendships with like minded people near and far!

Collaboration and the creative ideas and problem solving that happens in a well connected, focussed and supportive community is so much more effective than hunting and pecking for opinions from random corners and feeds.

It’s all here! And I can’t wait to hang out 💛

PS. I want you to know that we will be making sure the interactions inside this community remain POSITIVE. That’s why we are moving from Facebook groups into a private and safe forum where all decorators are WELCOME!

Please post your questions about the community below!

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