My True Colour Expert Workshop in Toronto was the best ever! As I said in this post, the system I’ve created for distinguishing undertones in neutrals evolves the more I teach it.
Since I have a bigger following in the east than the west it seems, I will be back in Toronto, October 3, 4 & 5th. Then Vancouver, November 14, 15 & 16th.
Here is Claire Jefford’s post on her experience of the workshop.
And here’s Sarah Hepburn-Smith post about the course.
I even had a participant that came all the way from Hawaii! I consulted with Jennifer on-line over her kitchen colours and flooring quite a while ago and then suddenly, here she was, in my course, the only True Colour Expert in Hawaii now!
Back in 2010, Jennifer sent me many photos of tile flooring as hardwood was not on option for her and in the end, we deemed all of them too bossy and she installed 24 x 24 white tile (to go in her white kitchen) with epoxy grout (so it doesn’t stain) and she says everyone that walks into her house is amazed at how beautiful it looks.
In my workshop you will learn:
- 4 Ways to Establish a Colour Palette in a furnished home
- 4 Ways to Establish a Colour Palette in an unfurnished home
- 9 Guidelines for Specifying Colour to cover each room.
- 10 Most Common Objections and how to Handle Them.
- 10 Guidelines for Managing Undertones
- 5 Obvious Ways to Work with Colour (that most people don’t see)
- 12 Ways to get Exterior Colours Right. Which Trend Colours to Avoid.
- The Business of Colour: Gain the Confidence to raise your rates immediately!
- And much more. . .
Register here for Toronto and here for Vancouver.
Love to see you in the Fall!
Related posts:
 Undertones in Fabrics and Countertops
What Maria Killam and American Idol have in Common
Download my eBook, to learn how to fix undertones that are not working together. How to Choose Paint Colours: It’s All in the Undertones.
If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me.
To make sure the undertones in your home are right, get some large samples!
If you would like to learn to how choose the right colours for your home or for your clients, become a True Colour Expert.
Maria, I think that hanging file table is a repurposed vintage
tea cart. They simply removed the bottom shelf ( or it was
missing ) and added the two strips of wood to hang the
files from. Love everything about your blog and you. I’ve
learned so much and everywhere I go I tell people about
you, especially those agonizing over paint chips. Even men seem interested and jot down Colour Me Happy. I’m
so happy you are in your own home and doing so well.
Would love to attend your True Colour Expert Workshop, alas… from Australia is a little too far… Any plans to visit beautiful, sunny Sydney anytime soon? Am certain plenty of Aussies would love to hear from you!
And if you make it all the way to Sydney, pop on over to even sunnier Perth please!
Hi Maria
I so wanted to take your next workshop in Toronto but we will be away for 3 weeks at that time. I’m so disappointed. Will you be doing any webinars? Colour is my passion and I need all the information I can get.
After traveling all that way, you would be silly not to drop into Melbourne and visit me.
Absolutely 🙂 x Maria
Maria, Have you ever considered doing one of your Vancouver workshops in the Lower Mainland (Langley perhaps?) I’d love to go but treking downtown everyday is not for me.
Maria, have you seen the new Benjamin Moore line “Color Stories”? If so, I’d be interested to know your thoughts–it keeps popping up on design sites I read and the colors are pretty, but I confess I don’t understand what the fuss is about. Thanks!
I absolutely LOVED your course and I am so excited about everything I learned. It was worth the trip; yes, worth all 24 hours of travel (at least 12 each way!) All of the people I met were very inspiring and I have made friendships that will last a lifetime.
I am busy re-vamping my blog and I am setting things up so I can eventually have my own color and design business here.
One thing I need to work on is better photography. My house is absolutely stunning in person with the white floor tiles you picked and yet I have to work on staging the right shot. I would die for a wide-angle lens camera!
If I am able to someday host a color workshop here in Hawai’i, maybe we can collaborate with you as the special guest / book author / presenter! People do destination vacations for things like food and architecture, so why not design and color? I think I know just the place already 🙂
Thank you again, and when I post about the workshop on my blog I will let you know!
Jennifer J in Hawai’i
PS: Hawai’i is between Vancouver and Australia… just sayin’ !!!! 🙂
I second that SaraH. Maria that’s now 2 requests to come to Melbourne……can we set a date…please? : -)
Maria – what a fantastic workshop I attended two weeks ago in Toronto. I’ve been stalking my neighbourhood with my camera as you suggested!! Highly recommend it for anyone who is passionate about colour!
PS – and many thanks for linking my blog post too 🙂