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Green Exterior with Shutters; Before & After

By 07/29/2011March 29th, 202314 Comments

I was so happy to receive photos of this eDesign I worked on last Spring!


My client was originally looking at some muddier greens but I talked her into a fresher colour because I thought it would go better with the cottage feel of the house.


The field colour is BM Hillside Green, the Shutters are BM Shady Lane and the Trim is OC-121 Mountain Peak White.  The front door is Burnt Caramel.
What colour are you painting your house this season?
©Maria Killam 2011
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  • Sjn says:

    we painted our little lake house "summer house beige" by Sherwin Williams… quite appropriately named don't you think?!

  • Krista says:

    Navy. Sherwin Williams Naval wasn't dark enough, so I found a dark blue folder in my desk and asked them to match it. SW Pearly White trim (dart board selection, I should've emailed you, but I think it's working). Oh, and the windows themselves are dark brown metal, so I had them paint the fascia and garage doors the same. It'll either look "intentional and pulled-together" or "hodge podge train wreck." Tomorrow the front door gets painted a greyed down SW Paradise green.

    My husband is still a concerned that "nobody else paints their house navy, so there must be a good reason." True, it might be a bad idea in Arizona, but I'm counting on the dark color to radiate enough heat to help melt the accumulated ice off the driveway next April.

  • DreamCatcher says:

    We painted the house exterior with BM frosted toffee 988, some accent walls 1249 homespun charm, the metal railings throughout with 1252 mink violet and I have yet to figure out the color or wood vernish for the new pergolas. I was thinking either a whitewash vernish or a lighter frosted toffee.

  • Rosemary says:

    On the house above, I sort of miss the shutters aside the door.

  • An Eye for Detail says:

    Our house is a very basic white…and we can't change that due to HOA restrictions. But we CAN repaint the now black front door! It faces West so is so hot now in the summer…can't even touch it in the afternoon. So, we will wait until late fall to paint. Big decision!! I would love a burnt orange…or a lime green. . Meanwhile, I'm collecting pictures on Pinterest and giving it lots of thought!

  • CRICKET says:

    I too am missing the shutters:)It is a very dramatic change.

  • Catherine says:

    I love this! Such a happy home! The pop of color on the door is awesome, and I'm surprised by how much I like the tone on tone look with the green shutters. (Personally, btw, I don't miss the door shutters.)

  • Luciane at says:

    I'm not painting my house this summer. Actually, I need to take a break from painting! 🙂 Did too much last year. Our house is light gray and white trims. It's very calming and since we live in almost 2 acres, the colors comes from the many trees and flower bed we have.

    Super cute cottage!


    Luciane at

  • Maria Killam says:

    I did not even notice that the front door didn't have the shutters anymore, I'm sure it's a work in progress. Pots on either side with a tall plants would fill it in.
    Thanks for your comments,

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the comments, they're so nice to read… I own the house & thought I'd add some additional info.

    This is definitely a work in progress. I planning to add a portico with columns next year to provide some overhead shelter (which is why I took down the door shutters, but they were repainted in case I change my mind). I'm also working with a landscape designer to spruce up the landscape, refinish the steps/entry, add accent planters (as Maria suggested!) & tie everything together.

    Thanks Maria for steering me toward a fresh green. It makes me smile when I come home every day. The orange door is great for the fall, and if I get tired of it, the tone on tone house color will allow me to change the door color easily!


  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks for showing a small house Maria. I have one of those too. I used BM Cream Yellow for the body, Classic Burgundy for the doors and shutters and white for the foundation and trim. Yellow is one of those hard to get right colors, but this one is sunny without being overpowering.

  • What a fresh look. The orange front door really sets off the green. It's nice to see something that looks original. My house is also green and I never tire of it.

  • Donna says:

    I really do like the greens on this house and the bright door. It looks very updated and pleasant.

    The colors of the original house are fine, but the contrast between the shutters and house seems stark.

    I like the door shutters being gone. Great job Maria..and owner. :o)


  • Edins House says:

    Terrific home!
    Love the colour of the front door most of all!! 🙂

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