A Certified True Colour Expert can walk into any room, and distinguish what works and what doesn’t work about the undertone of the colours in the space.
“…I have had two color (colour!) consultations since our Atlanta Colour Conference. I LOVE it. After learning [Maria’s] system, I find that the color chooses you. When I perform your preliminary color tests with the fan deck, I have a magic wand, too! After we talk about and analyze the big fixed elements, the client can see perfectly why it is the right color. Amazing. The time just flies by. I am in my creative element, and I can’t thank you enough for setting me off on this wondrous course…”Ellen Rhett, Birmingham, AL
Even more practical, experiential, hands-on exercises for my students tounderstand the principles of choosing colourand Gain competence and skill.Right NowHow Do You Know This Workshop is for You?
Have you ever walked into a freshly painted house, kitchen or bathroom and saw there was something “off” about the colours?Have you been intimidated with all the thousands of colour choices available to you and just wanted a few good colours?Do you find the colour world of beige, gray and taupe complicated and confusing?
This workshop is not colour theory
You are a homeowner with a flair for colour and interested in having the ability to choose colours for yourself with confidence!You are looking to increase your income and launch your colour consulting career with confidence!You are an interior decorator, designer, stager, or painter looking to increase your colour knowledge beyond theory and confidently communicate why the colour you intuitively know is right is correct for the space!
Maria’s unique system for distinguishing and defining colour developed over 10 years and thousands of consultations.How to select neutrals, vibrant colours, as well as trim colours with confidence and know they will look exactly right on the walls.How to distinguish undertones in the neutrals you use the most.How to set up finishes like tile, flooring and cabinetry, or work with existing finishes so that you and your client can “see” that you have chosen the right colour or combination of colours.How and when to work with existing and dated finishes in a space.How to see, before you paint or install fixed, permanent finishes, whether the colour or combination of colours is right. How to create flow and transition colour from one space to another.How to choose colours for exterior.How to avoid the biggest mistake homeowners and designers make when choosing colour.How to effectively communicate the ‘why’ behind the colours you select for your clients to ensure they are not only satisfied but eager to recommend your services to their friends and family.
Your own invaluable reference book filled with the all the learning tools from three days of training.Handy colour specification chart to use on future consults.Reference guides to use over and over again with your clients.Sample letters of documents helpful in conducting colour consults.Benjamin Moore colour fan deck.
Be eligible to join a private “True Colour Experts’” facebook page where you can continue the conversation with Maria, mentor and be mentored by other workshops graduates and stay connected.Receive a “Certified True Colour Expert” button to display on your website.
[Colour Theory] Rules are for Breaking
What’s an Undertone?
What Everyone should know about Gray
What Everyone should know about Beige
If I lived in Vancouver I'd be the first to sign up.
Your 16 students are so lucky!
Hi Maria,
I love your ad graphic for the course – so "you" and happy! If you were able to teach us so much from your blog, I can imagine the quality of the training you are going to offer live!
I wish you much success in your new endeavour – I am so excited for you! 🙂
What a fantastic opportunity! I wish I were closer!
What a treat! Let me know when your start your teleclasses, hint-hint…
I'd love to sign up but I'm living in the UK unfortunately. What are the chances of you giving an e-course at some point?
Rubbed the late-night fogginess from my eyes and scooted up really close to my monitor. I…I think I'm reading this right.
Not once did I read that you were going to make color easy or less intimidating. Rather, you say color theory alone is insufficient and apparently you're doing something about it. And to top it off, it's about your speaking from first-hand experience and sharing your own color perspective. You're not just recycling and repackaging tired color cliches, memes, and myths and slapping a new price tag on 'em.
On behalf of color everywhere, thank you. (Not like I can speak for color everywhere, but I'm betting color is happy to hear the news.) 😉
Good luck, MK.
Dear Maria!
The course will be gorgeous! I am sure of that! I would love to join you but I am afraid it is too far from Belgium!
Maybe you can bring out a video of the course and post it on your blog???!!!!
I wish you a lot of success!!!!
i would love so much to do a course with you. for some reason i can imagine every single detail of it. you know what Maria? one thing i wish to have: a book written by you about colour. really!!
have a goo week.
Ditto every single comment above! And double ditto for an e-course and a book.
I second that…all of it! Wish I could attend too!
What a great opportunity. Tempted to fly over for this!
Oh, how I'd love to attend if I were nearby!
gosh i have to move to canada….
Dear Maria, double ditto on e-course and a book. Wish we lived nearer, I'd be first in line everyday.Thank you for all your good works here on your marvelous blog. Mille merçis.
Annie de Montreal
How exciting, Maria!
Horray! A colour course my Maria the expert. About time.
I'd love to do the course. Although I am in Canada, I'm about as far away as I can get from BC.
A book, a book. I'd love a book by you.
One last request, if it's not imposing. Would you post some BM colors which fall into each of the beige categories: yellow, pink,green.
When I see your samples on my screen, I can see how they are different but I can't when I am looking at the samples in hand.
Thanks for a great blog. BTW. I painted my kitchen Shaker Beige.
dare I paint the trim Cloud White ( with white appliances ) LOL
Have a great day
Maria, if you wrote a book about colour I would be sure to purchase and love it! Wishing I lived in Van so I could partake in the Olympic festivities and your course.
Hi Linda
I have posted some colour names on this one:
Lori (funcolours)
I loved your comment, so awesome!! Colour is NOT easy but my course will most definitely make it less intimidating and take the mystery out of it! The only thing (and you can't get this in any course) that makes colour EASY is seeing a lot of colour on the walls PERIOD.
If my skin is green-beige, how do I find the right color face powder? That is the question.
To be on topic, you once wrote a post about how people really look their best if their houses are have their coloring. Does that mean that I don't hate beige in my interiors as much as I thought; I've just never lived with the right beige?
Sounds fabulous and fun at the same time!!
xoxo Laura
If I lived within an hour's drive I'd join just to understand the marvelously serene colors in the photo on the Muskelil home page. I would wind up with baby boy blue and dove white.
I love, love, love your blog!!!! I wish I was in Vancouver not just because the city ROCKS (and..um the Olympics), but so I could attend your class!
That sounds like an amazing course – a pity it is so far away. I would be seriously tempted if it were closer.
Im so excited that you are doing this! If Mary's course produces moolah for me I will so sign up. Id love to come to Vancouver, Ive never been!
Good for you, Maria! I hope this is a very successful venture for you. You certainly have a lot of information to share…and are sharing it in a refreshing, friendly, intelligent way. And I agree with Lori – I'm sure color is happy to hear the news!
Sounds great – wish I was in Vancouver I would have signed up.
Congratulations – I'm sure it will be a great success.
Woohoo! I'm so excited! I do have a very sweet husband. 🙂 Thank you soooo much for adding me to your blog roll, too! You are such an inspiration to me, and I can't wait to meet you in person!
Unfortunately I live four Provinces away. 🙁
Wishing you sweet success, and yes as 'Linda' suggested you do need to write a book.
If you ever host one of these in California, please let me know! Color is tricky business for sure.
I just wanted to add my vote for a distance learning course. I know that it would be a tricky thing to recreate the in-person experience because of the extent of all color samples you probably you use in your instruction. There must be some way to produce multiple copies of large enough color samples that could be mailed out. The book would take time to put together, but that would be easy to distribute. I would LOVE to take classes from you; I just live too far away and family responsibilities prevent me from traveling overnight (husband deployed and autistic son). I love your newsletter and blog. Thank you for what you do offer.
This is fantastic, Maria, that you are putting on a course! It is going to be a great success!
Hi Maria, I want to go to your class so badly…..maybe next year. I want to go to Vancouver to meet you in person. When will you be in South Florida? I will be your tour guide.
E-course, E-course, ppppplease??
I can imagine you would have lots of people signing up.
I keep checking to see if you've added any courses in Toronto…nothing yet. 🙁
Any chance of that happening?!
If you do, I'm in!
Hi Dane,
If it happens that I take it on the road, it probably won't happen until 2011.
Thanks for asking!
I'd like to take your show on the road too–to Chicago!
HI, You need to do a course in Toronto!
I was ready to sign up, but then I realized you don't offer an ecourse. Are you planning on offering one in the future?
Can't wait till you get a date for Toronto!
Come do a workshop in Texas. I live in San Antonio, Texas and there are tons of great tourist things to do here. Houston is 3 hours away and a major hub as well. Plus the weather in Texas is great during the "winter".
Hi Maria,
I'm sure you have been asked this before but have you put any thought into bringing this course to Toronto? If so, would it be in 2011. I sure hope so!!!!:) Please let us here in Ontario know in advance.
Take care!
What can I say? Sign up! I took Maria's course in September and absolutely loved it. Maria you are amazing. your course really fills the gap that most color courses are missing. I truly have color confidence now!
Jennifer Duchene
The Home Makeover Mixtress
Any Plans to have a course in The Chicago area.
Also, would be first in line for a book written by you about color!
I took another color course online and it worked pretty well. The trainer sent out a box of supplies with a fan deck, material samples, etc. Each training session was on a live call (and recorded in case you missed it). We did one a week and it took 2-3 months, but that gave us time to absorb and practice, so it wasn't bad. I would still like to take your course, Maria!
I live in Charleston SC and simply can not travel the distance for your course. E-COURSE would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!