I have a new video on my Specify Colour with Confidence™ Training!
I was at a business conference this past weekend and realized that my current video really wasn’t great at explaining the true value of my course, so I re-wrote it. (Well truthfully, once I figured out how it should be done, changing my video became an emergency!)
I still have a long way to go on producing videos, my cheeks are shiny and you can see my freckles but apparently that’s where we all should be (doing videos).
Stay tuned until the end to hear the awesome new bonus that will immediately help you in your business (no need to wait until you arrive at the course).
Check it out and come spend three days with me in Toronto this Spring.
PS. I’ll be in High Point for Market this weekend, stay tuned for updates on the latest trends.
I think your video is great! I didn’t notice the freckles or cheeks but what jumped out at me was that your eyebrows don’t show up. Maybe a title color there? My only other “criticism” would be the backdrop; a little distracting, I think.
You’re totally right, I need a white screen ASAP as well! Good tip about the eyebrows, too much light on me and it clearly washed them out, haha. Thanks Dawn!
I actually loved the background with your fair coloring. Didn’t notice shiny cheeks or freckles, but would agree about the sound quality and just thought your bangs were covering your eyebrows. I have a Norwegian friend who has the same problem with her eyebrows and we got a blond powdered eyebrow powder and brush thing with templates from Senna Cosmetics.
This thing, but I wasn’t able to post the link. Form-A-Brow® Kit
I love your outfit colour especially in front on the mural on the wall – nothing is better than those two colours together. The only thing that I would change is the acoustics. Improvements in our world are never ending aren’t they?!
Loved your necklace. Audio & background were distracting. And, I know Summer is around the corner & we all are thinking about getting Brazilian waxes, but, not on the eyebrows.
I agree, keep the Brazilian below the waist where it belongs.
Going to St Barts & just got my first for the season – very painful, but, necessary for Saline Beach.
Hi Maria, you are very adventurous. Love the blue you are wearing, it is flattering to your skin and hair colour. Your message is very sound and very exciting, but the acoustics detract because there is quite an echo. Also, you talk quite quickly, each time you say your name for example, it is only because I have followed your blog for some years that I catch it. I think the camera also needs to be placed at your eye level rather than beneath.
I did notice a sprinkling of very light freckles, and they are cute with a capital C! I am so pleased your business has blossomed and wish you even more success!
I appreciate the video but do agree with the comments about the audio. Keep working at this because you have a nice presence on video.
You look lovely in this video. I agree that the acoustics are the biggest negative. Also, your home is so beautiful why not showcase it. I would rather see you in a more casual setting showing off the backdrop of one of your lovely rooms. Maybe sitting for part of the video and standing for the remainder. The video is long enough that moving midway through may keep it from getting boring.
Turns out the video camera we were using doesn’t take a mic, so as you can see I’m wearing one but obviously it did not work. So we are buying a new camera. I’ll be re-shooting this one for sure!
I agree with the others–you look great and do well on video. My comment, however, has to do with the format itself. Why??? is video the thing? Video presentations drive me crazy because they are such a slow way of presenting content. I listen for 10 seconds and then want a transcript. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Kay, I agree with you. Not a video person at all, preferring text content as the way to get my information with a few supporting photos. I am definitely a visual learner (as you must be) but I understand that many are ‘audio learners’ thus preferring video and ‘hearing’ the text. I taught adult courses for many years and incorporated something for all types whenever possible-even the tactile and kinetic learners, when it was classroom based. There are a lot of good studies on this adult learning principle but it also applies to children.
Your presentation in this video was great, Maria, as was all the very dramatic color. Bangs seemed a wee bit too long and definitely need color on the eyebrows. As far as background, I recognized it was your office and I think it was fine (though acoustics were not), I agree with Katherine, however, about change of position throughout and in fact I think, rather than standing there talking at the camera the entire time, it would be much more engaging if you could demonstrate some of your props while explaining the course. Perhaps in time you could intersperse some shots from previous classes, and eventually even some shots of previous consults. Would help the viewer’s eyes “hear” the message as well as the ears. Again, though, great job.
Have always admired your video presentations. It is obvious the care you take to present an inviting video experience.
Perhaps try sitting. There were a few movements that we distracting, and sitting might ‘center’ ya.
Try ‘clipping in an out’… find the natural segments, and ‘stop’ the video and ‘start’ again. Someone reading this will howl at my lack of correct vocabulary to describe LOL but hope it you get it and it is helpful.
Once you get going, you are natural and your delivery is inviting. You connect.
Try, ending the presentation and tehn starting. That might capture you in ‘mid-flow’.
So tickled to be part of what you are accomplishing, from the sidelines!!
p.s. Freckles are amazing — play them up, make them part of your branding!!!!
Loved the video and the backdrop! I think you look smashing against it. The audio does echo too much but how can that be overcome without a recording studio? I agree with the comment above about showing the tools you use in the training classes like your color boards. I also like videos you have done sitting at a desk. So the idea of starting out with you sitting and later moving was another great idea. Congratulations on your success Maria!
Speaking of segments, what if you did, say, four separate videos? Added a sort of a ‘cliff hanger’ at the end of the first three, to entice the viewer to watch the next.
Attention spans being what they are, might work. Even though i LIKE you and SUPPORT what you are doing, I did not listen to the entire video, but fast forwarded to the end. So if I am losing focus, I bet others will, too.
Wow you sure opened yourself up to comments on this one!
You are really strong on your message and avoid jargon – just like your blog.
I agree with Jennifer that people were tougher than they needed to be when it came to making comments on eyebrows, freckles, and bangs.
I did appreciate the kindly couched comments that suggested a change in position, some visuals, and breaking the speech into chapters. You are always growing and learning – I am sure you will reflect on those comments and try some of the suggestions.
Others have pointed out the sound quality, so I won’t mention it again. I know you’ll fix that when you get your new camera and mic system.
It’s also been mentioned you need to slow down. I’m sure videos are nerve-racking. It’s probably scripted, and you want to make sure you don’t mess up. But try to breathe and slow down. You’ll appear more confident.
The background is great. I love your mural. However, it doesn’t relate to your work. Sit in your dining area or living area to tape the video. The gorgeous colors in there are inspiring and directly relate to your skill and expertise.
Wonderful job. With a little tweaking, it’s going to be absolutely fantastic!
Maria’s pace is GREAT. Fast-paced is good. It keeps people engaged! Maria has good modulation, too.
I thought that the background was real! Love the blue dress and necklace. Your skin coloring looks great. Bravisimo!
As a professional you know how much of a difference having a trained and experienced expert can make. Tough love here > Hire a professional videographer. Your image deserves the best presentation possible.
Overall, I think the video is great, and I can see that you’ve come a long way from your first quickie videos. But, IMO this one is too long. Three to four minutes would be better. It appears that the lighting is below your face, so you need to adjust that so it flatters your face. Re: your lack of eyebrows :), I just dyed mine and it really makes a big difference. I found the dye on amazon, and it was quick and easy. However, your colors look great, love the intense blue and green.
Maria, I think you looked great – loved the outfit and necklace. The sound issue comes from the echo of your voice bouncing off the walls, your editing team should be able to dampen this easy enough.
I think it would really add value if you could show snippets of different images -for example professional stock photos of your large sample boards and your own designs. Also, a video (while you continue to voice over with your ‘spiel’) of people in your class – doing the in class exercises with the samples your provide and showing people actually in the class and you teaching.
It’s not that your not interesting to look at, but for 6 minutes, throwing in some graphics, pics of your work and video, I think, would be very beneficial and really show people what they will be getting and experiencing during your class.
Hope this helps! I have done a video myself and know it’s hard work. The editing took the longest, but the final result was worth it! xo