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How to Choose Colour

How to Choose the Colour of your Kitchen Appliances

By 08/04/2011January 16th, 202016 Comments
I get this question a lot along with “Should they all Match?”.  There are many ways to do it but only a few that look good.  There’s white, black, stainless and of course the high end look of paneled appliances.  I’m not even going to mention actual colour options (like bronze) because I think they will date as fast as the avocado green ones did from the 70’s.


It’s time for my August Newsletter to go out and if you want to read my take on which colours you should choose for your kitchen, click here to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. It’s free (you’ll receive it this week) and you’ll also receive my special report, ‘The top 3 Decorating Mistakes Homeowners make and how to Avoid them, Bonus ‘My favourite go-to colours’. You will also have access to almost 2 years worth of special articles like ‘The 5 Accessories Everyone Should have in Their Home’ only available to subscribers.
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  • pve design says:

    I will have all stainless in my new kitchen. I wanted a colored stove but chickened out….for fear of the "dating myself" end result in a few years. What a pretty kitchen. You always have the best images.


    I have stainless in our apartment . . . but my personal favorite is still white.

    Now I need to go read my newsletter to see if you will still be my friend, if I chose white. 🙂


    • JoAnne says:

      I still like white, too! Went through various colors and loved each while I had it. Now I ‘m back to white! Stainless sometimes seems too dark to me. Very useful and hygienic for sinks, though!

  • Carol-Anne (Use the Good Dishes!) says:

    I just realized that I never receive your newsletter, although I registered for it ages ago!

  • Luciane at says:

    I love stainless, but I hated to clean it! But I discovered a very easy and cheap way now! You just need to put 2 little drops of BABY OIL ( I know!!!!) on a cloth and clean it. It lasts longer and helps to not leave marks.

    Easy, cheap & fast. Pretty good huh?

    Have a great day, sweetie.


    Luciane at

    PS: If you have a minute, please drop by to enter my new GIVEAWAY that starts today.

  • Kellie Collis says:

    I love stainless since it is so much neutral you can change the colors of your kitchen cabinets without worrying if the colors would match. It looks modern too! Have a fabulous weekend, Kellie xx

  • Anonymous says:

    Am I the only person who is sick of stainless steel kitchen appliances?

    I guess it's better than avocado green, but I wonder what the next "trend" will be since stainless has been around for so long.

    • Jennifer says:

      Slate is coming out this year by GE…I love it! It’s the next big thing for 2013

    • JoAnne says:

      I agree! It’s now the end of 2018 and my realtor still suggested I switch a white appliance to stainless if I replace it. I guess people are so behind that they don’t know it’s been around for like 20 years now! Although black is being shown again – but I wouldn’t go back there!

  • Ahuva says:

    Hi Maria,

    I read your blog every day, and love it. I find it really eye-opening.
    But I don't like your newletter. I find the articles you write there quite trivial.
    I usually see the twitter and your blog link about the new newsletter a day or two before I receive the newsletter in my mail box, and I look forward to the newletter, only to be let down time and time again. I don't see the point in the newletter, when your regular blog entries are so much better.

  • Maria Killam says:

    HI Ahuva,
    Thanks for your comment. Yes my newsletter is far from being an on-line magazine and honestly it's hard for me to come up with an article 'so special' that everyone wants to read it and sometimes I fail.

    And I have 4 times as many newsletter subscribers than blog subscribers so people that don't read my blog as well love it because they get the 5-6 additional articles they would not otherwise see.

    When I have help (because right now it's just me) then it'll be more exciting.

  • Ellen says:

    I always ask clients if they wish a light neutral (white), medium neutral (stainless) or dark neutral (black). Sometimes a kitchen full of low contrast materials needs the drama of a black appliance to give it some umph! If they like fresh, airy, light colours with a spring like feel, then they might prefer white appliances. If its a busy space, a tone that blends rather than contrasts can be more soothing. I feel it always depends on what will best compliment the surrounding elements to give the best finished look. Most of all I am not an appliance “snob”. If a client has a working set of products, I try to work with the choice. That way, they can extend their budget further for other items. We always do a little research on other models, so when the have to upgrade in future, there are some spaces that will fit a variety of models.

  • Kathy says:

    I don’t understand how to follow your website. For instance, you have a title “How to Choose the Colour of your Kitchen appliances.” When I click on this all I get is a short paragraph and everyone’s comments. Where is the article? Thank you!

    • Maria Killam says:

      Kathy, if you google that headline with ‘maria killam’ it should come up as a PDF to read. I don’t have a monthly newsletter anymore but when I did that article was in the archives, if you can’t find it, send my office an email and ask for them. [email protected]

  • Cheryl B. Van Esch says:

    There is nothing in this article??

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