My first eBook will be ready soon (update – it’s ready now – see ad to the right). We just need to find someone to do the design and lay-out. I would prefer to hire a designer who has actually put an eBook together but that person is proving to be difficult to find.
The idea for the covers came from a coffee table vignette I saw in a magazine. First Irene and I went to Whole Foods to buy food in all the right colours.
This is what selecting six perfect figs looks like : )
This is the studio where we started with a pristine white backdrop!
Do you think I own enough little vases? I’m obsessed with them.
This is the first cover we shot that day. See the porcelain tile with yellow, pink and gray undertones? Pink and yellow-beige tones only seems to work found together in tile. After that you have to choose which direction to go with the rest of your finishes, otherwise what you end up with is undertones that fight and just look dirty together.
We used a mosaic for the “colour” cover.
This is my fabulous photographer Jennifer Houghton with her very cool ripped jeans!
This will on of the covers. Photography by Jennifer Houghton
What do you think of my colour chip ‘canapes’?
Download my eBook, It’s All in the Undertones. If you have a computer, you can download my book!
If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me.
To make sure the undertones in your home are right, get some large samples!
If you would like to learn to how choose the right colours for your home or for your clients, become a True Colour Expert.
Related posts:
Photo shoot for my new Website (including the bloopers)
What every Designer should know about Photography
It’s all in the Undertones, download my ebook here. (if you have a computer you can download my book)
If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me.
Hi Maria –
You may want to look at Blurb’s Book Smart software. The software is free and easy to use. You design the book for printing. Once you have finished the book, you upload to the Blurb site and you can create the e-book for $1.99.
Thanks for all the information on your blog. I always learn something new when I visit.
Love the canapes! The styling is fabulous and I like how you included fresh flowers. Beautiful.
Oh Maria – it’s gorgeous! How exciting!
Cathy Zielske is an awesome designer and does the ebooks for ella publishing.
Awesome book cover picture for what I’m sure will be an awesome book!
Hi Maria,
check out or
both great places to find experienced designers.
i’ve used both with great success.
thanks for your blog!!
I have a daughter Joann Sparrow down in Boston who would love to come up and help you. She has studied Journalism and computer graphics at Emerson College Boston.
Thank You,
Your color fan
The cover looks fabulous! Beautiful styling:) Congratulations to you on the e-book, looking forward to your launch!
looking forward to it!
Maria, My sister in-law works for a company that does ebook publishing, plus she is an artist! I think she would be a good fit for you.
Lisa at [email protected]
A fan,
Hey Maria,
Love your teaching style.
looking forward to your launching of this ebook.
I loved the figs! No kidding. I knew they were specially selected but I had no idea! Thanks, Maria XO I love the flow and energy of the cover components. Very beautiful.
Lovely and a very exciting project! I love your colour canapes and I really “get you” using food – I find very often that its food that starts a project off for me. Good luck and I look forward to seeing the developments 🙂
dig the color chips! keep this! 🙂
Maria, this looks so fun! I’m really excited to hear about your ebook and that you are making progress. What a neat idea–colour canapes. I love seeing the photos ‘staged’ and in progress. Thanks for sharing this moment with us.
I’ve sure missed your posts. Our family has been battling the flu bug.
It’s really going to be gorgeous Maria. Fun to watch the process!
Ebooks are not difficult to do yourself. I have done a few already and published them to the web. I really like the cover (and the canapes!) Good luck!
Looks great so far! I recognise three of those little white vases..I have the same (from Ikea?).
Very exciting, Maria. Good luck!
Love the cover! great styling.I switched from My publisher to Blurb for my travel books. The features are slightly more complicated but more versatile. Am very old fashioned, and still love an actual printed book. For my look book , I did go digital. It is such fun (however time consuming and tedious) to work on books and presentations. looking forward to your ebook.
Looking so good Maria!!! So excited for you and cant wait to read!!!!