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All-White Makeover from an Exterior Masterclass Student; Before & After

By 08/31/2020March 29th, 202328 Comments

For those of you looking to create an all-white exterior, take a look at what one of my readers was able to create with the help of my Exterior Colour Selection Masterclass and my favorite landscape designer. 


I received this wonderful before and after from a reader and and she copied both MaryAnne White (she is the Landscape Designer I ALWAYS refer in my eDesign consultations AND on this blog) this is what my reader had to say:

Thought you might enjoy a few before and after pictures of our exterior transformation (so far), since you both played such a great role in it!
Here is phase 1 of our landscaping.  We did the purchasing and planting ourselves and made a few substitutions on some of the plants, but we are very pleased with the results!  We hope to do the lighting, driveway pavers and bluestone front steps next year, which I’m so excited for, and then additional landscaping to the front per your plan eventually as finances allow.  p.s. I’ve had a little bit of an issue with the cute but annoying deer family eating my rozanne geraniums and hydrangeas in the front of the house otherwise, they would be much fuller!
I took the original exterior webinar, some of the other ebooks and of course am a loyal blog and IG follower!  I also did a bathroom edesign consult (which we are still in love with).  
Anyway, the masterclass was so helpful in planning our exterior changes – which included dormer, windows, roof, gutters, front door, garage doors and obviously paint!  Your guidance helped immensely with what is generally overwhelming and scary!   We are so happy with the result!
Thanks to both of you.  And our neighbors thank you too!  

Landscaping is too important not to mention

Someone recently commented on my Instagram that I was plugging MaryAnne (yet AGAIN).

And do you know why?

Because I help so many people with their exterior colours in the Exterior Masterclass AND our eDesign department who think that a new paint colour will do the trick.

And looking at their house, I know (just like mine desperately did when we moved in) that landscaping (in addition to new paint) is what they need to bring the magical curb appeal they are looking for to their home.

It would be very sad if my advice basically stated “You need landscaping” and then after that, all I could say to help was “Good luck with that”.

It fills me with joy that I can recommend MaryAnne White who not only resonates with my aesthetic but who comes with 35 years of experience. And she can bring beauty to your home anywhere you are in North America.

All-White Exterior Home Makeover

Let’s just pause for a moment while we admire this beautiful after.


Read more: 12 Classic Outdoor Wall Sconce Lights

Notice how MaryAnne added curves and generous garden beds just like in my garden. Straight lines mostly belong on a modern landscape design, she does those too.

MaryAnne’s rates start at $850 for a small front yard to $2500 for a much larger property. Here’s her blog where you can find her contact info.

Here’s a close up of the front door transformation:

It’s truly amazing how many columns by the front door often have a downspout attached to it (just like mine was). So much better when it’s just painted out against the wall.

The scale and shape of her outdoor pendant lantern under the porch is also just perfect!

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Let’s see the before and after again shall we:

This transformation from one of my Exterior Colour Selection Masterclass students is just stunning! The garage door is especially pretty here too!

If you need to choose the right white (or neutral to coordinate with stone or brick) or COLOUR, let’s not forget, for your exterior, you can buy my Masterclass here. or check out our eDesign services here.

Related posts:

How to Choose the Right Colour for your Gutters & Downspouts

From a Grey Gardens Disaster to a Timeless Blue Exterior: Before & After

A Nature Inspired Modernist Exterior; Before & After (eDesign consultation)

187 pins


  • Kristine C. says:

    Wowza! What a beautiful transformation!

  • Kristin Weigand says:

    Wow – what a transformation – beautiful!

  • Diana says:

    So so pretty. Makes the home come alive and Maria, you had a lot to do with this. Your classes give courage. Someday, hopefully, I hope I will be able to sit and just absorb all you teach.

  • Juniper Grae says:

    Wow! Could you please tell me what brand/color paint and what brand/color shingles you used? It’s just beautiful!

  • Becky says:

    WOW, that is absolutely stunning! The house is so pretty now, and the landscaping… gorgeous! WELL DONE, guys!

  • DV says:

    In addition to the colors, aesthetic and yard, the biggest transformation in my opinion is the changed garage roofline and garage upper dormer window. Not an inexpensive renovation.

    • DeniseGK says:

      Yes, the lines of this house have been much improved all over.
      Also, I love that they changed out the arched window for one that is still arched but has corners at the top. This home has corners everywhere (the before did too) and the typical arched window was out of place. Even the front stoop is supported by a post not a pillar. The new arched window (and its counterpart added to the garage) fits the lines of the home while adding something extra. Very nice attention to detail.

  • Sheree L says:

    Wow! This is a stunning transformation! Kudos to Maria, MaryAnne, and the homeowners. The changes to the roof line were very impactful. I love everything about this updated home exterior!

  • june says:

    I had the same thoughts–roofline makes a HUGE difference…and not inexpensive. Such a beautiful overall job. Also like the detail trim on the “ceiling” of the front porch. Attention was paid to every detail! Yard, house color, garage doors…everything–gorgeous. Very impressive makeover. Super WOW!

  • Nancy says:

    Wow Maria
    That is amazing !
    Love all the changes !!
    Beautiful !!
    I’m sure she is Happy Happy !!

  • Leslie says:

    Well, I will comment even though I usually do not. Wow, that looks fabulous, I love it! 👍

  • Lorri says:

    Sooooooo charming! The owners must be so pleased.

    You aren’t kidding about landscape, Maria. My grandmother was somewhat of a master gardener (self-taught) and her gardens made her yard so blissful. She was great at plant and tree placement and designing the shape of the beds, including a large round freestanding bed in the front yard.

    After I grew up, I saw a photo of her house when it was first built and had hardly any landscaping. It didn’t even look like the same house!

  • Liz in Oregon says:

    Another WOW! This is an amazing transformation…and it’s not “just” about color and landscaping, although they play a huge role. Perfection! The new roofline makes such a difference. I also noticed how the curve above the porch matches the curve of the front dormer windows and the garage door windows. It also matches the window next to the porch, which has been changed to a shallower curve than the original. That must have involved some new brickwork, but it blends right in somehow. Well done!

  • Veronica says:

    What a huge difference. It’s beautiful now.

  • Doss says:

    I could look at this pretty transformation for hours. Stunning! She must be so happy everytime she pulls up to her house.

  • Brenda says:

    Wow, that is incredible!!!

  • Diane says:

    WOW! This house went from not really very attractive to GORGEOUS.

  • Ralna says:

    I hope they were putting a bonus room over the garage with that huge dormer addition and upper front windows. The rooflines do look great. The former profile of gable end is what my husband (contractor) calls “pig nose”. I think they actually are called Norman gables or something. But I’ve never liked them. Looks great!

  • Michelle says:

    I love everything about this transformation!
    Maria, quick question…would black shutters be appropriate for this house? Why or why not?

  • Diane Oster says:

    One of the best transformations..!!!

  • Amy KS says:

    I can’t even believe this is the same house. The transformation is jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

  • Lucy says:

    This transformation is just incredible! The addition of the dormer and the roof line change made a tremendous difference. Also I see that an arched window was added to the front and the garage window was changed. So many subtle nuances. I can’t say enough about the reformation. What I can say is good job beautifully done along with the landscaping Love this!!

  • Wow. Just wow. Bravo.

  • Susie says:


  • Gloria Tyler says:

    Hi,I love the transformation! Question, Did you Paint or stain the roof tiles?
    That’s what make this pop! if so, what was used ?

    • Michelle says:

      Gloria, I’m 100% positive that’s a redesigned roof with new dark grey/black shingles. The owners states “exterior changes – which included dormer, windows, roof, gutters, front door, garage doors and obviously paint!” Look closely at all the new framework on the ends of the roof. The original ‘hip’ roof was turned into a new ‘gable’ roof, and a dormer was added over the garage. This was not an inexpensive transformation, but it certainly shows a high level of professional experience. The architect, the landscape artist Maryanne, and of course Maria should be very proud to have this in their example book to show prospective clients. And the homeowner was a very observant student to pull this together so well. That Exterior Masterclass looks like it’s much more than help in choosing paint colors, and a great value.

  • Miller Shire says:

    This is absolutely gorgeous! But what if she had wanted a color for the body of the house and could not afford to change the roof? That’s the one things I see missing from the Exterior Masterclass … how to work with the “ugly” roof you have. I say this lightly, but let’s face it … some roof colors are not so easy to work with … orange, as above, red, green, blue. What would you do? I would love for this to be added to the Exterior Masterclass. (I will send you photos of a color transformation we did with a green roof. It was agonizing but transformative in the end.

    • Maria Killam says:

      It’s impossible to cover ever scenario in a course about colours and design since every single home is different. What works beautifully for one house would be terrible on a different house because there are so many other factors that come into play.
      The masterclass is for the designer who wants to learn how to specify colour for exteriors AND the homeowner who has a good eye already or who is clear they don’t need something complicated.

      For example, you have many conflicting elements and are confused on what to do already.

      If that’s the case, that’s where my eDesign department comes in. Exterior painting and renovations are expensive, better to get it right the first time with the right advice from someone with 20 years of experience rather than stumble along and try to figure it out yourself.
      You can take any course about interior design and choosing colour but if you were’t born with a designer eye, you’ll have trouble translating the principles of the course into something workable for yourself.
      Hope that helps anyone trying to make a decision between a course and simply hiring someone to help.
      Your house sounds beautiful, I’d love to see photos!
      Great question thanks! Maria

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