I was just asked this question by a reporter. I think it definitely follows fashion although slower because home decor items are more expensive and aren’t replaced as quickly as clothing.
Then I was on The Sartorialist today and saw these images from a Jil Sander fashion show
. Apparently several of the editors thought it was the best show (so far) of the season.
The colour blocking is fabulous, I love it!
Image source Now this is a fun laundry room/office. I have also seen a laundry room done in cherry red appliances, a fake grass (some kind of laminate but it looked like real grass) floor and sky blue walls, it was fabulous!
These bright colours are few and far between in designer fabrics right now though. Cannot find Kelly green at all even though it’s all over the magazines and my sunflower yellow sofa colour is impossible as well. Sigh. It’s a tough life to be so forward thinking 🙂
Image source When I arrived on the site the second time to get the images for this post I saw this ad on the sidebar.
Don’t these coloured tights remind you of the 80’s? (Well you have to be 40 to get it I guess) Wow! I’ll be in Seattle this weekend for my fall shopping trip, I can hardly wait!
If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me for on-line or in-person decorating and colour.
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I'm really excited about this post! I love big bold color especially in a house 🙂 We just painted our bathroom a great kelly green – it's good to see we're in the right direction 🙂
It all starts on the runway….
Maria, Robert Allen has some great kelly greens out right now. I'm going to email you a couple or pics!
Great post Maria! Have fun in Seattle! Angie xo
I saw the pics from that show on The S as well and I loved them! I really hope the brights trend keeps on going in interiors, it's big in the UK at the mo.
there's always an influence between different forms of art.
personally i love green and yellow as individual colours..
great post
This is an excellent post, I love all things fashion and design, is it just me but it seems like design really catching up with fashion?
I recently read somewhere that in Europe all bright and cheery colors are what is in, so glad to hear that! So why oh why is America still using neutrals and acts like GRAY is the new kid on the blog. Maria you are definitely ahead of the game and it does make it hard to find things to go with what you have, but when you do, it is soooo Amazing. Did you get your headboard today?
I remember colored tights in the early 70s. I wore them with matching turtle necks and shifts when I was pregnant with my first child. I guess you have to be in your 50-60s, Yikes!!! did I just say that?
Headline/huge photo in the Washington Post's Style section today: "Revival of the Vivid."
"Brace yourselves: the favorite colors of the spring 2011 season are safety-cone orange, iridescent chartreuse, retina-searing hot pink ahnd luminescent violet. They are a test of aesthetic acumen as well as social courage."
Wondering – is this a reaction to the economy of the last years?
I hope more vividness translates into some homes I color.
Maria, great post and matching of images of home and catwalk. I think interiors used to follow a year or so behind the catwalk – sort of "throw it out there and see what bites" kinda thing. But now, with trends cycling round so fast, I think they are more concurrent. Advertising/ fashion/ restaurant & bar design – all are being reflected in home design much, much faster. And, BTW, I have just done a scheme in Kelly Green, burnt orange and white – can't wait till its built shortly.
I love colors and I am not afraid of using them, as you know! Fashion first, then Interior decoration? Oh Yes! definetely it is the way it often goes.
Ha Ha ha , Im almost 40, so I get it. Australia is also a bit behind in the colour dept. We are only just getting gre's & turquoise, with browns still playing a huge role in some stores!!
Here is hoping the weather perks up before you come to Seattle. Today was 93 percent humidity. I vote for some sunshine for your shopping.
I love all the color – just not in my home. For me it is too expensive to go with the latest design ideas. Money is an object. We need to focus on what pleases us in the long run not the latest whim.
You seem to like the color block look and bright colors. If it fits your personality I say go with the trend. If it is something you will want to toss in a couple of years either do it on the cheap or not at all.
Some of us are content to be less than in style.
As always a grand post – as they almost always make me think.
Warmly Yours
Maria, It is amazing that you are so aware of colors in both fashion and decorating. I don't know where you can buy decorating things in nicer stores in those colors but Wal-Mart and Target are FILLED with home accessories in the same colors as all those tights you showed us.
I hadn't noticed that they were popular in the 80's. I'm guessing I just wasn't paying attention. My daughter-in-law, from Germany, has painted and decorated their whole house in those bright colors. You would absolutely love it. It doesn't look garish…it looks fun and friendly and truly very pretty. Gerber daisies in bright colors with very long stems adorn the Kelly Green bathroom and it has that Fuschia on the accent wall. I guess both you, Ebeth, and my mother were right about that green and pink!
You just keep opening up our minds to the possibilities. I'm sorry you can't find what you need but I'm sure you will. Love that laundry room!
Donna @ Comin' Home
PS. Caring for grandchildren for two days so I couldn't stop by until now. I've missed getting to read your posts!
80s? Don't you mean 60s?
I don't count Ralph Lauren because he's trying to sell paint, sheets and furniture too.
Coco Chanel's almost Victorian clutter in her apartment compared with the clean lines of her fashions. They didn't relate at all.
Funny, I was just shopping yesterday for tights to match my handbag. I failed, because my bag is a couple of seasons old, I suppose. I hadn't even realized I was following a trend – this stuff works by osmosis!
I adore that laundry room/office. Why not have fun in the laundry room?
They most certainly go hand in hand. My home is filled with colour so i'm totally loving the colour trend right now. xx
I started out as a textile designer for high end firms, then moved into licensing all sorts of products: paper, rugs, ceramics etc. to my present business of representing other artists (and my blogging "business").
In all these aspects of home design I can say YES, home decor always follows fashion! It may not be a direct, or quick, link, but it's always there.
And, the time lag has shortened considerably. In Tabletop, for instance, the desire for an entirely new set of dinnerware started so many manufacturers to produce quick turnaround, fun, handpainted collections. Look at PB or Crate: they have entirely new tabletop each season and, in large part, it is due to fashion.
So the answer is YES!
I looove that laudry room. It looks like it would make doing laundry fun!