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I Hate My Closet Contest & Maria’s New Closets

By 06/05/2012January 28th, 201723 Comments

Photos by Maria Killam (partial view from my living room)

Chris Isfeld from the Designer Closet Guys arrived the day before we moved in last week to install our closets! He had everything packed in his designer truck.

Here’s all the boxes, ready to be installed. The orange closet is Cloverdale 7983 or SW 6661.

Chris arrived at around noon and was finished installing the master and spare bedroom closet approximately 5 hours later.

This mirrored cabinet is full of shelves for folded items.

This is called a valet, for planning my outfits.

This is the hidden laundry hamper for lights and darks!

Hooks for all my necklaces (I purchased these from IKEA). They have to be out or I don’t end up wearing them if I can’t see them.

And my favourite section. The shoe shelves. Sigh. So fabulous!

Here is a sneak peek of what my closet looks like. I will have to style the whole thing to take a better after photo later.

Here’s the guest room closet before the installation.

And here’s the after! To see how the consultation went, click here to read the previous post.

My bedroom suddenly has a feeling of luxury to have such an organized and functional, custom closet! It was very easy to pack for my trip to Toronto this week.

The Designer Closet guys are hosting a ‘I Hate my Closet’ Contest. To enter to win, all you have to do is like them on Facebook and submit a photo of your closet in need of a makeover! Then get your friends to vote on your closet and the winner will be selected from the 10 closets that have the most votes!

This contest is only applicable for participants who live in the Lower Mainland. So start snapping photos!

Related posts:

Designer Closet Guys for Stylish Closets

What Colour should you Paint your Closet?

How to Choose Colour for the Master Bedroom

Download my eBook, to learn what you didn’t get in Colour Theory. How to Choose Paint Colours: It’s All in the Undertones.

If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me.

To make sure the undertones in your home are right, get some large samples!

If you would like to learn to how choose the right colours for your home or for your clients, become a True Colour Expert.


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