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Inspiration for the Day

Happiness is. . . Getting how Rich You are Right Now

By 09/11/2011January 28th, 201711 Comments
I opened this post from Copyblogger this morning in my in-box and started reading and I thought, “Wow, I was just thinking about this the other day!” How, compared to so many in other parts of the world, we are fabulously wealthy.  We all need a reminder once in a while!
“Because we live in so much prosperity, our magnificent wealth becomes invisible to us. We think we’ll feel rich when we get the right car, or the right handbag, or can shop at Whole Foods without wincing at the total. Talk to the people who have the car or the handbag. They don’t feel rich. That kind of progress is like chasing the horizon. You won’t get there no matter how fast you run.” Sonia Simone
Right now you too can feel your wealth by buying the kindle edition of End Malaria and you can save the lives of two people because a pair of mosquito nets is what they need!
I bought it instantly, I don’t have a Kindle but you can download a version of Kindle for your computer so I did that for my Mac. I didn’t even realize at the time that the reason this book is worth many times over $20 is because its filled with short essays on focus, courage, resilience, by America’s favourite business authors.
For example: In Jon Acuff’s essay on Dream Backward to Move Forward he writes,  “We think we should be asking forward questions like ‘What do I want to do with my life’ instead of dreaming backward and asking, ‘What have I done in my life that I loved!’ And the answer we get is not a bottomless, faceless list of that could apply to anyone. It’s a personal, small handful of life experiences that were uniquely tailored to our hearts and our souls and that made us feel alive.”
And I still think I’ll only really feel rich when I live in my own Colour Me Happy house on the water somewhere in this town.
What makes you feel rich? (And buy the book next by the way– it’s incredible and for a very good cause).
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  • Kori Donahue says:

    Lovely post. What makes me feel rich is my wonderful family relationships. Hope you have a fabulous Sunday.

    Don't forget to enter my giveaway where you can win a $50 gift card to Victoria's Secret!

    Kori xoxo

  • Karena says:

    My family and friends. My home, humble that it is! It is all me. Giving back more than anything!

    Art by Karena

    I have a fabulous Giveaway from Interieurs I hope you will come visit!

  • Marlo says:

    Family and friends for sure but what tops the list is the joy of on-going personal achievement.

  • Loretta Fontaine (APPLESandRUBIES) says:

    Maria– Beautiful post! Being rich is you and your loved ones having good health. All the money in the world means nothing when you are seriously ill.


  • Carol-Anne (Use the Good Dishes!) says:

    Sounds silly, maybe…but sometimes when I'm lying in bed at night, on my lovely sheets with my lovely duvet, I feel really rich and think about how many people don't have a nice bed to sleep in.

    This was a nice post. Thanks.

  • Laura says:

    lovely , lovely post! i am always trying to reming my children that we are so wealthy in the scheme of the world… and how fortunate they are.. its good to always be grateful!
    Laura xxx

  • Stacy Naquin Interiors says:

    I was just sharing this story last night…(and as more demanding life gets and more prevalent technology becomes to make our life "easier", the more complicated life becomes. When I was little, my parents bought a camp and built it by hand. Before they got running water and electricity, they "made" a shower from a large barrel that caught rain water and had a shower nozzle attached. We had to turn on the water on to wet our hair, quickly turn it off, and so on. I remember loving going to the camp even though we didn't have the modern ammenities at the time. Enjoying the simple pleasures in life make me feel rich, and I still love going there in the winter and roasting marshmellows. (ok, I know that was a romantic story , but swanky hotels with automatic draperies that open when the alarm goes off makes me feel rich too! haha!)

  • Luciane at says:

    Great post, Maria.

    You're right… I also dream w/ that perfect house, with all the gorgeous things we see every day around the net, that perfect kitchen… blah, blah, blah… and to be honest, they're all "blah, blah, blah", because being rich is should have more to do with your soul than your pocket.

    Being rich is having my family with me.

    Have a blessed week!


    Luciane at

  • Donna says:

    That sounds like my kind of book Maria. Funny you should mention this topic..and how timeless and true it is.

    Unless I'm at a friend's big house, I'm quite happy with ours. I do wish we had enough insurance to pay our medical bills as they come up. But when I think of rich..I KNOW we are.

    I just took a couple of meals to a family in a very poor part of our little Texas town. Every home was dilapidated. The house was too small to 're-arrange' the furniture. Forget painting. They couldn't afford it.

    I'd forgotten being that poor..and we once were. We plan to have the whole family over just to enjoy our seven acres of forest…and what, for them, will seem to be a spacious home. It's a mobile home mind you..a whole 1800 sq. feet..but to them it will seem like paradise.

    It's good to be reminded that rich is a Tv or computer, cell phones, dependable car, a roof that doesn't leak, good solid floors, painted walls, food in the pantry, and a steady income. Thank you for sharing this with us today.

    We once couldn't count on any of the above. So I'm grateful to be rich. :o)


  • Dress Me says:

    The five senses, being able to see touch smell hear taste all the wonderful things that are happening in our lives every second of the day. .

  • Red River Interiors says:

    Though I'm coming to the game late your post is so very thought provoking. In your country just as ours is all human abundance. We have the ability to go after it all. That's liberating in a way that unleashes the mind and spirit. We don't have to sit and ponder financial wealth. Our wealth is in our freedom. Freedom of movement… it unleashes the mind. Freedom of thought… it brings peace to the soul. Freedom to be kind… it unleashes our humanity…this is the wealth people are dying for. I'm richer for living in this place and time… Fay

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