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The Best Mattress for Eliminating Back Pain (Get Mine)

By 06/18/2014January 3rd, 202463 Comments

Maria's Master Bedroom

Maria’s Master Bedroom

**Update in 2024, we bought a new king size Essentia mattress when we moved and switched to a bigger bed and it is NOT the same as the old one, we will be returning it 🙁

We have a new mattress. Every time I wake up at night, I’m immediately present to how comfortable I am.

When I think about going to bed in the evening, I look forward to the experience of laying down on our new mattress.

After I’ve been gardening all day, this mattress (seriously) heals my back at night.

When I talked about our old (3 years!) innerspring mattress in February I was not sure then if the back pain I woke up with every morning was from our mattress, my designer-looking-but-not-so-comfortable office chairs or the way I sat on our sofa. I suspected our mattress the most so it had to go.

Terreeia has had chronic SI back pain for so long she had no idea whether our mattress was the culprit.

When I blogged about our uncomfortable mattress, it was a hot topic! Why? Well we all sleep on one, so everyone had lots of opinions.

The problem with synthetic memory foam mattresses is that they tended to sleep hot and they smell bad.  Terreeia had a memory foam mattress topper years ago that she had to get rid of because it was way too hot. There’s nothing worse than waking up in a pool of sweat!

Innerspring mattresses were hit and miss, even if they were very expensive! It didn’t seem to matter which brand was mentioned, some readers said they loved theirs and others said within 2-3 years they were sleeping in a dip.

Natural, latex mattresses were reported to be the best, however they still don’t address back pain issues, they will still have pressure points similar to an innerspring mattress.

Natural Memory Foam

Then I found Essentia, they are made in Canada but they offer free shipping anywhere in the US or Canada, and the difference between their latex mattress and others is that theirs is the worlds only natural memory foam. See their in-store locations here.

Natural, memory foam is one of the healthiest mattresses you can sleep on. Essentia use rubber tree sap, organic essential oils, plant extracts and water to make their mattresses.

They also have a 60 day money back guarantee, free shipping and they come with a 20 year warranty which makes them worth the price and they don’t even need to be flipped.

Because the foam is very dense, they are also hypo-allergenic which means that critters/bedbugs/dust mites can’t live inside the mattress because there is no wool or cotton batting that they normally nest in.

Testing out Mattresses

Here I am testing out the Beausommet mattress.

Testing Mattresses

We decided on the Dormeuse mattress because Angelo Renai (the Vancouver store manager) said it was the most popular, soft yet firm and came with their patented, whole body recovery technology. No wonder one night after a hard day of gardening fixed my back! It used to take 2 or 3 days for my back to recover.

Mattress in a box

Here’s how the queen size mattress was delivered (above). One UPS guy and a dolly!


Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy as my nephew (above) Markus says ; )


This is what it looks like (left) when you roll it out), and it comes with this note (below) to reassure you that it will unflatten.




And believe it or not, Terreeia’s chronic back pain is gone! It seems like a miracle that a mattress can actually do that but we are thrilled!

Because we’re talking about beds, here’s the before picture of our Master Bedroom before  we replaced the floors, mouldings and paint:



Another View of the Bedroom


Here’s one of the after photos, you can get a glimpse of my fun cream wool JuJu Hat with some framed photos of me (from about 15 years ago).

Master Bedroom

After photos by Tracey Ayton Photography

The grouping of wall sconces took me months to collect. Two I found from an antique store in Langley and the rest I found from 2 different HomeSense. Three of them were white so I just sprayed them a little and I liked that they ended up half white and half gold so I left them that way.

The shells are all fake purchased from Chintz & Co along with the funky, plastery looking vase in the middle on the big sconce.

My bedding is from the Pottery Barn and although it looks like my shiny blue satin pillows don’t match the walls, they actually do, haha.

Thank you everyone for all your comments, suggestions and feedback on your mattress experience. I love having so many experts and opinions to rely on to make such an important decision!  See the whole range of Essentia mattresses here.

Related posts:

Which Mattress is the Most Comfortable?

Maria’s Master Bedroom: Before & After (in our last house)

Maria’s Guest Room: Before & After


32 pins


  • keira says:

    so glad that you found a mattress that works so well for you and T. your bedroom is lovely. are the coral pieces plastic? what about the vase? as an earthquake-country nut i don’t like heavy or breakable items above my head or next to the bed. ; )

    • Maria Killam says:

      Yes they are plastic but the vase is not. If you live in earthquake country you’d want to glue them down somehow onto the wall sconce. Maria

  • I want one of these mattresses! If you ever need a house sitter just let me know… I’ll happily come and sleep at your house! 😉

    PS – I have the proper link up now for the juju hat.

  • Mary-Illinios says:

    Thank you for sharing your bedroom. It makes me want to do long sigh. It looks so peaceful & restful. And now that you have the “back fixer”, it must be hard to get up in the morning. No wonder your ebook is taking so long to get finished. LOL…(just kidding.)

  • Allison says:

    Good for you and Terreeia! i (used to) have chronic back pain, and even had neck surgery – all from which I blame bad mattresses. I got the Tempurpedic for us for Christmas and it was life-changing! NO MORE BACK PAIN. I’m jealous you have all natural. I was unaware of them. Though it’s been scaling here in the Philadelphia, PA region, I’m sorry to report they do sleep a little hot. But I am dealing with it because it’s so darn comfy in every other way.

    • mairi says:

      Apparently gel memory foam sleeps cooler than plain memory foam and toppers are easily available. I bought the Sleep Spa 1 1/2 inch blue gel foam topper for $30 at Walmart for the guest bed and it worked well for the guests.

  • Allison says:

    Good for you and Terreeia! i (used to) have chronic back pain, and even had neck surgery – all from which I blame bad mattresses. I got the Tempurpedic for us for Christmas and it was life-changing! NO MORE BACK PAIN. I’m jealous you have all natural. I was unaware of this mattress brand. Though it’s been scalding here in the Philadelphia, PA region, I’m sorry to report they do sleep a little hot. But I am dealing with it because it’s so darn comfy in every other way.

  • Maria says:

    Beautiful room. Would you please share your wall color.
    Thank you,

  • smith207 says:

    I have the yellow celeste curtains from pottery barn in my living room. I’m in the process of painting my walls Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams and my sofa is the same color/texture as your headboard. I’m on the hunt for some chairs in that buttery yellow color, similar to your ottoman.

    Great minds think alike 🙂

  • Kathy says:

    Your bedroom looks so peaceful and beautiful, a “dreamy” place to sleep….

  • Mary says:

    Other than the mattress, is there anything of quality in the room – afterall, most seems to have come from HomeSense. And, why would you put that big mirror next to a mirrored night stand? Where’s the “whow factor”?

    • Leigh Ann says:

      Wow…someone could use a better nights sleep. Looks like waking up on the wrong side of the bed isn’t just a problem for children!

    • Julie from Downunder says:

      Are you normally this rude? And its wow – not whow – but who is being picky?

    • OtherMary says:

      Mary, you have (inadvertently I’m sure) made a good point: one can create a lovely, welcoming living space without spending a ton of money.

      • Linda Fitzgerald says:

        OTHERMARY – that’s incredibly generous of you and I’m going to keep that thought in mind, while my jaw is still hanging 😉

        Maria that is the perfect palette for ‘calm’ and the room looks comforting. I am really interested in your new mattress – suffered chronic back pain for years. I have the Tempura mattress – moved into the guest room – too hot. I’m encouraged by this post and will do some investigation on the product.. thanks for sharing this.

    • Annie says:

      Well now, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

      Maria, love your bedroom. The sitting area is dreamy. Love the drapes, too.

    • Rog says:

      I agree Mary. It’s ok to “fill in” with HomeSense wares, but, NOT the entire room. It does need that one of a kind wow piece from an antique store or the Paris flea market.

      • Ging says:

        Where’s the pop of color? Yes, it’s serene, but, it doesn’t have to be so blah. And, too much mirror.

    • Lisa Lucas says:

      The mirror reflects the light from the table lamps that the nightstands won’t catch. It reflects additional light around the room for a really nice effect and the standing mirror is giving the room a nice sense of drama.

      • KA says:

        I have a room similarly configured with the windows facing north, so I thought she was trying to capture more light from the windows in addition to the lamp.

        The other thing I’ve learned, starting two nights ago:
        This neurologist thinks that the body can’t heal properly without restorative sleep, and because we now spend so much time indoors thanks to air conditioning, we don’t get enough Vitamin D, which isn’t really a vitamin, but a hormone made by our skin with the proper UV that we get in the summer. That’s my kinda crude summary, but check out her youtube videos for more info on how she got there.

        I’ve been a pillow experimenter since I was in 6 accidents in 4 years (passenger or hit from behind, so yes, I still have insurance) and subsequent neck issues, so check your pillow and neck position, too.

    • Amy B says:

      Wow. That stopped me cold.

      I recall reading somewhere a really good guideline for posting comments. It goes something like this: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

      Pretty good words to live by. (wink wink)

      Now, I think the sconces are pretty wow. I have plates above my bed…they are wow too. They’ve never fallen but boy do they rattle around a bit during a severe thunderstorm!

      Your room looks lovely…thank you for sharing something so personal that you did not have to share. (I am going to check out those mattresses.)

    • Carol J says:

      Lucky for you, Mary, you get to do your bedroom your way. If you’d like to send pictures, we can all critique it.

  • Ilona says:

    Peaceful (and now very comfortable) bedroom. What is the paint colour on your walls?

    • Maria Killam says:

      Oops I forgot to mention it, it’s HC-144 Palladian Blue.

      • Linda Fitzgerald says:

        I thought it was Palladian Blue – I first found it in a powder room of my doctor’s office after they’d renovated this incredible farmhouse on a hill.. marble floors etc. I had to chase down the doctor’s contractor to find out what that colour was and this is it. I have it in my guest room and have painted ‘cottage’ furniture this colour. Again, it’s a perfect for creating calm.

      • Ilona says:

        Thank you! On my way to the paint store (it’s only taken 14 years in our current home to get to the master bedroom 🙂

  • Linda says:

    Lovely, restful looking room, Maria! What paint color is that on the walls?

  • Ellen says:

    I love the seating area, that’s the wow. Not many people have the luxuary to incorporate that into a master. Well balanced, clean and fresh colors and amazing photography. (I see the difference). Beautifully done.

  • franki says:

    Now THAT is a lovely bedroom!! You know…I’m seriously going to check out that mattress!!! franki

  • Happy to hear you are sleeping well, Maria! Had to comment because I have had the same experience with a “latex” mattress. Purchased mine from Plush Beds in California. A bit of a leap without actually testing, but it is divine!!!

  • Linda @ House of Chandler says:

    Very pretty, Maria. I like the blue walls in this house better than the linen walls in your last house. The blue walls complement and contrast the soft goods and accessories. Truly lovely. I’m glad to hear the mattress is resolving back problems. You have an amazing talent, and thank you for sharing. I bid all the best to you and yours.

  • Anna says:

    Beautiful bedroom maria, love the color.

  • Jennifer says:

    I agree that your mattress is probably the most comfortable mattress you have ever slept on, but it is a natural latex foam mattress.

    Even though they bash natrual latex on the main page of their website if you read the about us they state “We use natural Dunlop latex foam, the finest natural latex foam available.”

    I also own a natural latex foam mattress and grew up with a natural latex foam mattress. Had a few inner spring mattresses between childhood and my current mattress and their is no comparison.

    Unlike memory foam they do not run hot and they do not get body impressions. They also last forever. My mom’s mattress lasted 40 years and was sold with the house after she passed away.

    • jason says:

      Hi Jennifer,

      We actually use both. 2 different types of natural latex foam can be found in all our mattress. 1) Dunlop latex, as a support layer. 2) Our patented Latex Memory Foam on top for pressure relief. It’s a natural latex foam that feels and performs like memory foam.

      A nice marriage of comfort, health and performance.

      If ever you’re near one of our stores stop by and give them a try.

      • Jennifer says:

        My current mattress is “natural” latex foam with a 6 in dunlop core and 3 in Talalay top layer which is springier than the dunlop core. The law label did not include polyeurothane.
        Like sleeping on a cloud.

        But there were a lot of compnanies selling “Natural” Latex that were in actuality synthetic blends that included natural latex and polyeurothane.

        I am skeptical of a “Natural Memory Foam” as “Memory Foam” is a polyurethane product.

        I would be very interested in knowing not just that natural rubber is used in making your “Natural Memory Foam” but if any polyeurothane is in your Memory Foam.

        • jason says:

          Hi Jennifer,

          Your mattress sounds solid. Talalay on top of Dunlop makes for a comfy mattress.

          No, we do not use polyurethane in producing our Natural Memory Foam. If you’re interested, you can learn more about what goes into our natural memory foam and natural Dunlop latex by visiting

          In that same list you’ll also find ingredients used to make other components on the market like synthetic latex, standard memory foam and mattress glues.

          In addition to divulging our ingredients we’ve also had our products tested for VOC’s along with our factory air + working conditions. You can read all about that here…

  • Paula Van Hoogen says:

    Wish I’d seen this a few weeks ago…we finally got a Serta i-series. It is way better than our old memory foam, which was unforgiving and so hard.
    But yours sounds delightful! Happiness is a good night’s sleep, right?

  • Bev says:

    Your bedroom is lovely! I would love to know the paint colour on your walls.

  • Cindy from PA says:

    So glad you found a mattress that you love. Good sleep and a pain free back can be life changing :-).

    Did the mattress have an odor or out gas? Do they use Flame retardants on it?

    • Maria Killam says:

      No smell because it’s an organic mattress. I’ll have to check on the fire retardant question. Not sure about that.

      • jason says:

        Hello Cindy & Maria,

        Canada has not passed the same fire safety laws you’ll find in the USA. So, your Essentia mattress is fire retardant free. We do not include any fire retardants in any Canadian bound mattresses.

        All mattresses shipped to and sold in the USA must pass very strict and controversial fire safety laws. The FR we use is a Kevlar based fire retardant…the same fabric used in bullet proof vests. By using Kevlar we comply with the same safety standards but without compromising product integrity and our commitment to a healthier night’s sleep.

        • Karen Hessel says:

          Why are they all so incredibly expensive? We like nice quality and know we have to pay for that but this is way beyond our league to afford. 🙁

      • Thanks for answering this question. I was hoping you would post about a new mattress ever since your post on mattress purchasing. Your new mattress sounds very interesting, and I will definitely check them out.

  • Ellen says:

    My guess is blue haze 1667.

  • Brenda says:

    Maria, your bedroom is lovely! So serene and an inviting respite. Quite a “Wow!” over the “before” picture. I appreciate the fact that you shop a variety of places such as HomeSense/HomeGoods (US) That is living in the real world with the vast majority of people, being a good steward of your money, and an educated shopper. And to commenter, Mary: A larger price tag does not necessarily equate to good design or quality.

  • Kimm says:

    I just read all the comments and wanted to say “ditto” to Brenda’s comment above! I love your bedroom Maria and I’m so glad y’all found one that works to alleviate back pain. I’m going to check it out.

  • Tara says:

    Love it Maria. I personally don’t think it matters where one shops or how much they spend. What’s important is how that room makes you feel when you’re in it. I would feel LOVELY in this room! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Fran says:

    Fun post, Maria. You look so cute and comfy on that mattress, makes me want to order one right now!

  • GaBi says:

    Absolutely beautiful job and congratulations to your choice of the mattress.
    The back pain is coming not just from the gardening, but the new research shows that the preservatives put into our daily food / bread, milk, meat, GM products and so on/ can cause the damage on our liver and it can be another cause of the back pain.
    Definitely you are very talented lady.

  • That sounds wonderful, I’d love to try it, but I have a very bad allergy to latex, I wonder if the material is enough of a barrier? I’m hoping the manufacturer can comment as they did above?

    • jason says:

      Hi Jil,

      Proteins found in some latex products cause allergic reactions. The first layer of foam in our mattresses are protein free, the second layer is rough 95% free of proteins. In theory you should be alight. It all depends on how severe your allergies are.

      We could always send you a sample piece of both foams to test out.

  • Janice says:

    Have you ever been asked to decorate for a cat/dog friendly family? I continually find myself wanting colors/textures in furniture, bedding, window coverings, decorative items etc. that I know would never hold up to the abuse of cats and dogs. Your bedroom is very beautiful but all I see is dirty paw prints, pulled fabrics, nose prints on mirrors and faux shells laying on the floor.

  • Lisa Lucas says:

    Love that bedding so much I just went on to Ebay and ordered it since it is discontinued by Pottery Barn. Just beautiful and serene.

  • BillP says:

    Nice to see what you’ve done to the bedroom. So glad you find it restful. Is it a TV-free zone? Less sure of the mattress plug- I hope that they paid you a lot of money for the infomercial.

  • Jena says:

    Drooling. Gorgeous room. And so happy for both of your backs!!

  • Your bedroom looks so comfy and peaceful. I’ll check out that mattress, I’m looking for a new one.

  • Deb Bruna says:

    LOVE your sitting area, the bedding, the draperies, the chandy and most of all the feeling of the room. Calm and beautiful,.

  • Barbara Taylor says:

    After reading your review about Essentia and information on their website, I took a trek out to Laval Québec and purchased the Beausommet. Unfortunately, my experience in sleeping on it has been very negative. The mattress seemed confortable in the showroom, but as it turns out after sleeping on it for a month, it doesn’t provide proper spinal alignment neither for myself nor my husband. We wake up stiff and exhausted. I am returning it but will loose 9% of the full cost due to a recycling fee. I find this normal and the company has been great, but just wanted to caution those interesed in this type of mattress that for some sleepers, it might not be the right fit!

    Thanks for reading and love the bedroom!

  • Christina says:

    Maria, before I die I would LOVE to have a mattress by a company in,I believe, New York (and you can purchase them — or some models, at least — through Bloomingdales). Even their cheapest would be fine with me, and of course if I had a spare $13,000 I’d get their best:! (Shifman – one ‘f” not two). Check it out!!!

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