Does getting the exterior colour wrong on your house keep you awake at night?
I have been getting requests from all over the world to start doing some online training. Well, here’s the first one on exterior since the season is starting!
It was March 2002 when I first started working as a Colour Consultant at a Benjamin Moore paint store. At that point in my colour consulting career, I could count on one hand how many exterior colours I had chosen. I had colour training but nothing on choosing exterior colours.
All you had to say to anyone was that you were a colour consultant with Benjamin Moore and that was good enough for most people to say “When can you come?”
Needless to say, I was scared to death.
So, I decided to give myself a crash course in choosing exterior colours. I jumped in my car and drove all around the neighbourhood with my fan deck. I would just walk up to houses and match the existing colour. If it looked like someone was home, I would knock on the door and ask, if the house looked empty, I would just go about my business. “Beg forgiveness rather than ask permission” was my motto.
Unfortunately, even though I could now look at the fan deck and have some comprehension of what the colours looked like, I still couldn’t tell you WHY one colour was better than the other. So it still took an exterior season or two of me holding up large samples saying “What do you think?” to the homeowner, before I learned that my job was to say which colours would be correct, otherwise the homeowner would worry that I didn’t know which colour was the right one for their house.
So look, you could go through that kind of trouble to give yourself a free education in choosing paint colours, you can create idea books with fabulous exterior colours until the cows come home, do a poll with your neighbours, your aunt, uncle, cat and dog, but how do you know when you get to the YOU ARE HERE sign?
In the webinar, I will walk you through the process that a professional goes through to arrive at the right colour.
This process will instantly take the world of thousands of paint colours and reduce them down to a manageable number to select from.
And when I show you a house with a colour you need to know, I’ll list it in Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams and Farrow and Ball, so if you are overseas but have access to Farrow and Ball colours you can also follow along.
Related posts:
Can you Mix Brick and Stone on your Exterior?
10 Best Front Door Colours for Your House
If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, become a client. Online or In-person.
Download my eBook, How to Choose Paint Colours – It’s All in the Undertones to get my complete step-by-step system on how to get colour to do what you want.
To make sure the undertones in your home are right, get some large samples!
If you would like to learn how to choose colour with confidence, become a True Colour Expert. April in Toronto and Vancouver in May.
I’m in! xoxo!
All signed up – fun! Your order form says 11:00 PST yet the post above says 1:00 PST…
Oh yeah, do we get to use a True Colour Expert badge after we “graduate?” I’m only half kidding!
This is great timing Maria! I have started thinking about exterior colors because I want to get my house painted this summer and I have no idea where to start! (I hope the time on the webinar page for 11:00 PST is the correct one because it would work out better for me to join live, but whatever time it is I’m still excited.)
Yes I originally inserted 1:00 pm in the post and that was wrong, it’s 11:00 am pst time so that other time zones can participate! Maria
Thank you – the time works out
great for me. I’ve registered and
was among the first 100 – when can I
Expect to get the link to set it up so
There is no problem.
Also do I get the bonus mentioned
In the post? Since i was among the first 100
100 ppl?
Thanx again 🙂
Hi Farha,
Since this is our first one we are still getting the invitations to the webinar organized! Please be patient, everyone will have the bonus and invitation by Thursday night. So excited! Thanks for registering! Maria
Thanks Maria
I’m excited too. Looking forward to it. Counting down days.
I want the Cheat Sheet but I’m a long-time subscriber. What to do?
I was wondering the same thing….
Are you subscribed to my new list? Do you get a colourful email in your in box? The place to do that is at the top of each blog post, then you’ll receive it automatically.
Let me know if you have any problems. Maria
Signed up, but I’m one of those technology-challenged individuals who has never done a webinar. I’m sure there’s a phone number here somewhere, but I’m not seeing it… (May be moot, since I might not be available the 28th and will just need the download.)
Never mind!!! found the number on the confirmation email. (I feel sheepish…)
Can’t wait..count me in!
This sounds like a great webinar! It seems so much easier (really??) to choose colour for inside where the area is smaller and mistakes a little less costly to fix. I can’t imagine where to start with the outside given the roof, gutters, etc.
Perfect timing for all of my spring consults!
Thanks! Can’t wait!
Maria, i tried to sign up on monday i think when the price for you exterior color seminar was just $69 and because you are a foreign company..,.i know its just Canada, but my bank Capital One puts restrictions on purchases out of the country. Anyway, i just bought your book and am an avid fan and follower of your blog . you have already helped me I painted my hall in Adams Gold…and well do you think you could offer me the seminar at the lower price. Money is tight for me now. Let me know thanks Maria. Regards, Betsy OShea
Hello, is the exterior house color webinar still available for purchase? I missed it, but would love to watch it. Thank you.
Yes you can buy it here: